Vol. 139 No. 15
American Notes Desegregation
Leaving It Up To the Locals
American Notes Families
Lost and Found
American Notes Firearms
Have Gun, Will Travel
American Notes Investigations
Uncle Ed's Ugly Secret
Battening the Hatches in Arkansas
Congress Why Foley Stood Idle
Faced with an odious whispering campaign, he refused to act against the House bank's proprietor
Democrats Watch Yer Back
Lurching through the streets of New York, Brown and Clinton discover it is better to mug than be mugged
Echoes the G.O.P. Could Do Without
Fahd to Bush: Ready When You Are
How Clinton Ran Arkansas
He won more battles than he lost but rarely upset special-interest groups in the process
Organized Crime
Wanted: A New Godfather Teflon Don John Gotti turns to Velcro, leaving the powerful Gambino crime family in disarray
Scientology's Largesse in Russia
The Political Interest
Two Visions, 21 Minutes Apart
The Weapon That Won't Go Away
Vox Pop
Canada Liberty with a Difference
Separatist leader JACQUES PARIZEAU says Quebec is finally prepared to go its own way
Europe The New Germany Flexes Its Muscles
After 45 years of self-effacement, a reunified nation begins to assert its power. The neighbors aren't too happy about that.
Former Soviet Union Carnage in Karabakh
With the Russians gone, Azeris and Armenians carry on their ancient blood feud
Middle East The Enemy Within
Israel's Arab citizens, inspired by the intifadeh and Islamic fundamentalism, join the violence against Jews
World Notes Cambodia
Pseudo Peace
World Notes France
Madame 19% Flunks Out
World Notes Libya
Embassy Row
World Notes Refugees
Ballot by Bullet
Humongous Fungus
An underground blob may be the world's largest living creature
Did His Doctor Love Him to Death?
A dispute over a Harvard psychiatrist's unconventional role-playing highlights troubling medical issues involving intimacy with patients
Magazine contents page Vol. 139 No. 15 April 13, 1992
Magazine masthead Vol. 139 No. 15 April 13, 1992
Accounting Who's Counting?
A once quiet profession suffers intense public scrutiny and staggeringly expensive litigation over its role in financial disasters
Aerospace Peace vs. Prosperity
The proposed sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia is forcing Bush into a no-win decision
Business Notes Labor Negotiations
Putting a Season on Ice
Business Notes Liquor
Name Your Poison
Business Notes Sporting Goods
These Shoes Have Legs
Business Notes Tourism
Hey, Look at The Pilgrims!
Business Notes Worker Safety
Black Marks For the Mines
Language The State of Many Tongues
Utah's Mormon missionaries make the state America's most linguistically diverse region, and it's paying off
Campus of The Future
By the year 2000, American colleges and universities will be lean and mean, service oriented and science minded, multicultural and increasingly diverse -- if they intend to survive their fiscal agony
The Pursuit of Excellence
For all their abiding troubles, U.S. universities and colleges are a powerful magnet for foreign students in search of freedom and diversity
Where Does Your Tuition Go?
Brain Surgery
Critic Picks
Slick Flick Pic
Getting Down to Their Roots
The good times are beginning to roll again for a whole new generation of black rockers
Loonier Toon Tales
A new dog-and-cat cartoon show gleefully violates every rule of good taste and subtlety
Tevye With Sour Salt
The Faberge of Funk
The tiny, witty works of California ceramist Ken Price belie the notion that real sculpture ought to be big
They Put The ILM In Film
(Show Business)
At George Lucas' Oscar-hoarding Industrial Light & Magic, computer wizards are re-forming the face of movies
Did J.F.K. Really Commit Suicide?
Of course not, but it's about the only theory that doesn't turn up in a fusillade of best-selling books on the assassination
If Kennedy Had Lived
Making The Right Moves
Outrageous, outspoken and outstandingly talented, choreographer MARK MORRIS is back in the U.S. after three tempestuous years abroad
The Gutsiest Governor In America
Elected as an Independent just when the recession was destroying his state's economy, Connecticut's LOWELL WEICKER took the tough road of budget cuts and taxes
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)
Help Stamp Out Absurd Beliefs