Monday, Mar. 23, 1992

American Notes Organized Crime

The infamous Mafia code of omerta, or silence, has been taking a beating lately. Salvatore (Sammy the Bull) Gravano, a witness against Gambino crime boss John Gotti in a New York City courtroom, is only the latest mobster to testify on the misdeeds of his cronies in exchange for lenient treatment. Last week Mafia gunmen appeared to send a brutal message to all would-be squealers by shooting and gravely wounding the sister of federal informer Peter (Fat Pete) Chiodo.

Patricia Capozzalo, a 38-year-old mother of three, was shot in the back and neck by masked men in front of her Brooklyn home. Investigators called the shooting highly unusual: female relatives of mobsters have traditionally been spared by avenging hit men.

Chiodo, who began cooperating with prosecutors after surviving an attempted Mob rubout last year, is scheduled to appear at the Gotti trial. Federal officials also regard him as a prime witness against alleged Lucchese crime boss Vittorio Amuso.