Vol. 139 No. 4
American Notes: California
Political Fiction
American Notes: Food Safety
Troubled Waters
American Notes: Freedoms
Thou Shalt Not Read
American Notes: Political Correctness
There Go the Coat Sales
American Notes: Scandals
Slow-Motion Justice
Barking Like an Underdog Prodded by a right-wing challenger, a folksy, feisty Bush hits the campaign trail with a vengeance
Campaign Quiz
Cover: Is Bill Clinton For Real?
Anointed -- prematurely -- as the front runner, he remains an enigma: a bold planner but poor manager, a conciliator yet sometime waffler. Still, many Democrats believe he's electable, and that's what
Don't Leave Home, Please
Hillary Clinton: Partner as Much as Wife
How to Stop Military Leaks
Jaws: the Next Generation
Nancy with the Golden Threads
Nipping At Clinton's Heels
Rival Democrats attack the Arkansas Governor -- and backbite one another -- as they jockey for position in the New Hampshire primary
Not So Fast, Helmut and Kiichi
The Political Interest
The Self-Making of a Front Runner
Vox Pop
American Abroad Terminator 2: Gloom on the Right
El Salvador
Two Cheers for Peace A treaty may end the bloody 12-year civil war, but prosperity will prove more elusive
Former Soviet Union
The Names They Are A-Changin'
Kuwait's Cleanup
One year later, the country has been almost completely rebuilt, but the psychological scars will take much longer to heal
North Africa A Prelude to Civil War?
To turn back the fundamentalist tide, Algeria's army derails legislative elections and sets up a tense standoff
Rx For Russia: Shock Therapy
Why? Because, says Jeffrey Sachs, you can't cross a chasm in two jumps
World Notes: Georgia
Here He Comes Again
World Notes: Greece
Verdict on Papandreou
World Notes: Israel
The Big Stall
World Notes: Japan
A Scandal by Any Name
Yep, There's Another One
Can They Go Home Again?
The $25 Million Bird
As endangered California condors return to the wild, the law that saved them is under attack
Cinema: A Home-Cooked Tale
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Learning to Accept History
Music: A Bright Star Eclipsed
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Mr. Mouse Goes to Washington
Theater Double, Double
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Time Magaazine Contents Page
Vol. 139 No. 4 JANUARY 27, 1992
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 139 No. 4 JANUARY 27, 1992
"I'M Not Asking for Sympathy"
GM chief Robert Stempel accuses Japan of greed and the media of hostility
Business Notes: Banking
Our Man in Washington
Business Notes: Economy
A Hot Tip Topples
Business Notes: Insurance
What's in A Name?
Business Notes: Technology
A Coup for Couch Potatoes
Currently on The Business Shelf
The Workplace
Is Mr. Nice Guy Back? With worker morale shredded by layoffs, some managers are trying kinder, gentler ways to restore competitiveness to American industry
Corridors Of Agony
A rare look inside a juvenile court reveals a system waging a thankless struggle to save society's lost children
Out Of Her League
Peering into The Russian Soul
What Ever Became of NC-17?
It was supposed to take the stigma off the X, but the dispute over a Michael Douglas movie shows how it failed
How To Repossess A Life Witty NORA EPHRON takes control by telling her story her way, as a novelist, screenwriter and now as director of a touching new movie
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Private Lives: How Relevant?