Vol. 138 No. 25
American Notes Houston
Nasty, Brutish -- And Effective
American Notes San Francisco
Shift to the Right
American Notes Supreme Court
Approving the Wages of Sin
American Notes the Military
Keeping the Navy Straight
At Nasa, He Who Hesitated Is Out
Do Something? Are You Kidding? We Just Live Here!
Loose Buchanan
Not Guilty! Let's Party!
Palm Beach Trial
The Case That Was Not Heard The prosecution had strong evidence against William Smith but could not use it in court
Politics Can "America First" Bring Jobs Back?
Even though it's a bad idea, the cry for the U.S. to withdraw from the world is staging a revival -- and Pat Buchanan hopes to exploit it
Race Relations: A White Person's Town?
Dubuque, Iowa, tries to shuck off its racist past with a controversial program for luring minorities
The Political Interest
Getting It Right with the Jewish Vote
Welcome to Cuba, Baby Gitmo
Welfare Cutting the Costs
California's Pete Wilson offers a sweeping plan to slash payments and change the behavior of the poor
When Do They Auction Clark Clifford's Suits?
"I Want to Stay the Course"
In an exclusive interview, a determined Gorbachev shows he is not ready to disappear gently into the pages of history
Cover Stories: The End Of the U.S.S.R.
Emboldened by their success in seizing independence, the republics have pronounced Mikhail Gorbachev's union dead and patched together a new, loosely knit commonwealth. But do they know how to build s
Despair in The Barracks
The Soviet military is beginning to fall apart -- even if the new commonwealth wants to keep it unified
European Community: Blueprint for the Dream
In a historic compromise, the Twelve -- despite Britain's caution -- reinforce their economic and political ties as they chart the E.C. course for the rest of the century
The Koreas Wary Hands Across the DMZ
The cold war's last combatants sign a nonaggression pact -- but their pressing nuclear issue remains unresolved
World Notes Argentina
The Unsinkable Carlos Menem
World Notes Burma
No Peace For Rangoon
World Notes Fugitives
Where Next? Chechen?
World Notes Japan
A Setback For Miyazawa
Yeltsin's Key Partners
A Lesson in Compassion
What's it like to be a patient? For more and more aspiring doctors, there's only one way to find out.
A Patch of Hope for Smokers
Doctors will soon begin prescribing a new nicotine device that can help people stay off cigarettes for good
Camels For Kids
Tidings Of Black Pride and Joy
Kwanzaa, the African-American Yule-time celebration, is becoming more popular -- and more commercial
Tools With Intelligence
A new wave of do-it-yourself gadgets brings the benefits of the computer age to those who are handy around the house
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 138 No. 25 DECEMBER 23, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 138 No. 25 DECEMBER 23, 1991
Business Notes Employment
It's Off the Job We Go
Business Notes Fast Food
The Pizza Putsch
Business Notes Hollywood
Dances with Creditors
Business Notes Investigations
Captain Crook's Painful Legacy
Business Notes Newspapers
Another One Bites the Dust
Labor Unions The Good Guy Finally Won
In a historic upset, the Teamsters elect a reforming president who promises that the days of Mob ties are over
Marketing Ghosts in the Commercial
Computer wizardry brings new life to some old stars in Diet Coke's ads
Money Angles
Marilyn, My Marilyn
The Economy Now This Idea Is -- Shh! -- O.K.
Pinned down by the economy, Bush embraces a once shunned notion -- "industrial policy" -- to stem the nation's shrinking technological edge
Laying Siege to Seniority
Faced with dismal school performance and tight budgets, politicians are reneging on the idea of teacher tenure
American Myth 101
In a provocative book, historian Michael Kammen explores how Americans reinvent their past to fit the present
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Plunging into The Labyrinth
Feisty filmmaker Oliver Stone counters criticisms of the conspiracy theory and cover-up scenario in his "tsunami wave" of a movie, JFK
The Whole Point of Life
Who Killed J.F.K.?
In an electrifying and troubling new film, Oliver Stone and Kevin Costner reheat the controversy about the Kennedy assassination
"Free Speech Is Life Itself"
On a clandestine visit to the U.S., his first since he was sentenced to death by Khomeini for writing The Satanic Verses, SALMAN RUSHDIE pleads not to be forgotten
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
When Artists Distort History