Vol. 138 No. 24
A Network That Guarantees Scoops
American Notes Population
Hold the Wedding Bells
American Notes Refugees
Reprieve for The Haitians
American Notes Scandals
Unhappy Birthday to You
American Notes the Homeless
Gimme Shelter
Behind The Blue Dot
Eastern Europe's New Bad Guys
Forward Spin
Here Comes Operation Desert Stork
Jurisprudence Trial by Television
As millions tune in to the William Kennedy Smith drama, some wonder whether justice is being served by the gavel-to-gavel TV coverage
Press What's in a Middle Name?
Plenty. And some 300 curious journalists are watching the William Kennedy Smith trial on TV, like everyone else.
The New Chief Loyal but Not So Arrogant
Sam Skinner's resume as a crisis manager should serve him well wrestling the White House into shape
The Political Interest
Hello George, New Hampshire's Calling
The White House: Clearing the Decks
With an eye on next year's race, Bush jettisons his chief of staff. But it will take more than personnel changes to set a new course for the economy.
They're Not Going to Take It, Probably
Vox Pop
America Abroad How Bush Has Wimped Out
Proliferation Soviet Nukes On the Loose
As the Kremlin's power shrivels, the West worries about who has control of the disintegrating superpower's vast atomic arsenal
Who Else Will Have the Bomb?
It may soon be brandished by a whole new class of Third World regimes, thanks to China and other suppliers. The prospects for stopping them are not high.
World Notes Albania
A Setback for The Old Guard
World Notes Japan
No Apology Necessary
World Notes Mexico
Why Did They Open Fire?
World Notes Poland
Reluctant Choice
Cover Story
Delivered From Evil
Diplomacy Mr. Behind-the-Scenes
How a courageous United Nations negotiator put himself at risk to broker the hostage deal
The Aftermath Freedom Is the Best Revenge
What has been learned from a decade of terrorism and hostage taking? Waiting is the best policy, and events, more than people, make the difference.
The Ordeal Lives in Limbo
With the last of the American hostages now home, Anderson and other former captives share memories of physical pain, mental anguish and extraordinary human endurance
Can Aspirin Prevent Cancer?
A new study suggests there may be yet another benefit from the world's most popular medication
Drink Until You Finally Drop
Chronic alcohol abuse is becoming the entertainment of choice, and the No. 1 health problem, for an alarming number of kids
Hey, Let's Do A Few Lines!
Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are taking a backseat to poetry among the hip set
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 138 No. 24 DECEMBER 16, 1991
Business Notes Airlines
Grounded for Good
Business Notes Economics
Grossed Out
Business Notes Innovations
Out, Out, Damned Spot!
Business Notes Retailing
Lease a Tree, Get One Free
Organized Crime
All That Glitters . . . Stephen Saccoccia thought he could go on laundering hundreds of millions in drug money forever. He was wrong.
Scandal Maxwell's Plummet
Burdened by huge, previously unreported debts, the media mogul's empire breaks apart amid tales of skulduggery, real and imagined
Was It Suicide?
At The Top of Their Game
Bomb Over Broadway
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
O Come All Ye Faithful Readers
From fossils to cuff links, Kuwait to Hollywood, Mickey Mouse to Michelangelo, here is something for everyone
Off on A Cashmere Cloud
Before he was a pop star Nat King Cole was a jazz artist, and a big new boxed set shows how good he really was
Spoiled Brainchild
A Peter Pan for Yuppies
In his new movie, Hook, as in his life, ROBIN WILLIAMS shows what happens when the boy who won't grow up turns 40 and is ready for risks
From the Managing Editor
(From The Managing Editor)
Welfare: A White Secret