Vol. 138 No. 18
A Chilling Echo of August
American Notes Abortion
Next Stop: Supreme Court
American Notes Aids
Spreading Fear, Not Disease
American Notes Civil Rights
Better Late Than Never
American Notes Trials
The Porn King Gets Off
Elections: The Duke of Louisiana
In a state famed for bizarre politics, an ex-Klansman rides into the gubernatorial runoff on a wave of middle-class fear and loathing
For Sale: Soviet Secrets
Forward Spin
Old Dog Learns New Trick
The Administration: Need Friends in High Places?
For industries trying to skirt the law, Dan Quayle's Council on Competitiveness is a good place to start
The Aftermath: How Do You Rebuild a Dream?
The Harrisons had a lovely life at 535 Mountain Boulevard, but now they must start all over again
The Early Bird Scores Big
The Political Interest
What Makes Cuomo Different
Vox Pop
Why The Good Times Still Roll
A divided state finds common ground in the relentless pursuit of pleasure
Desperately Seeking Rubles
The treasury is empty, the party hoard has vanished. Russians want to know where the country's riches have gone.
Ethiopia: Return to Normalcy
As the country begins to recover from war, President Meles explains his unorthodox approach to governing
Soviet Union: Fractured Hopes
They were heroes during the revolution, so why are they incompetent to stop the nation's slide into chaos and disunity?
The Pragmatism of Meles Zenawi
Turkey Losing a Staunch Friend
The President who turned his country toward the West and joined the fight against Iraq is defeated at the polls
World Notes Diplomacy
A Fragile Peace
World Notes Hostages
Letting Go Piecemeal
World Notes South Africa
Taking Down The Barriers
World Notes Trade
The 12 Become 19
World Notes Zaire
Murderous Farce
Hot Air at The Earth Summit?
As the U.S. stonewalls a Rio meeting, citizens offer a planet-saving proposal
Ozone Hole Gapes Wider
Cover Stories: Why New Age Medicine Is Catching On
Fed up with surgery, drugs and quick fixes from their doctors, Americans are turning to an array of alternative therapies ranging from the believable to the bizarre
My Excellent Alternative Adventure
Dr. Death Strikes Again
While lawmakers agonize over euthanasia, Jack Kevorkian keeps taking matters into his own hands
Life At The End of the Rainbow
As lottomania sweeps the nation, thousands of Americans are becoming sudden millionaires -- but pots of gold don't seem to go to their head
Old-Fashioned Play -- for Pay
As outdoor playgrounds decay, more families are turning to cheery franchises that offer supervised fun for a fee
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 138 No. 18 NOVEMBER 4, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 138 No. 18 NOVEMBER 4, 1991
Business Notes Black Markets I'D
Rather Not Part with It
Business Notes Communications
Getting Totally Wired
Business Notes Information Services
Bigots and the Bulletin Board
Business Notes Mortgages
The Color Bias In Lending
Business Notes the Boardroom
Computer King Counted Out
Labor The Curse of Coal
Vanishing jobs, a ruined economy, broken lives and broken bodies. One county's misery testifies to the tragedy of Appalachia's mines.
The Economy: Is It a Treat or a Trick?
As the political silly season nears, Washington bubbles with talk of a tax cut to get the U.S. economy rolling
Extra! Billy Bathgate Lives!
Rumors of production woes had Hollywood gleefully planning its funeral, but the film turns out to be fine
Fell Or Jumped
Lines That Go for a Walk
The exhilarating tracery of Brice Marden's new work affirms his pre-eminence among U.S. abstract painters
Low Profile
Potent Memories, Great Joys
The Bunch That Won't Die
The Bradys are back, in a campy stage tribute to one of the worst TV shows ever
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Just Why Did Communism Fail?