Vol. 138 No. 11
Accidents Death on The Shop Floor
A murderous fire in a North Carolina poultry plant underscores the dangers of America's workplaces
American Icons
American Notes Foreign Policy
We'll Get Back to You
Boris and Natasha: Call Home
Nothing to Cheer About
Fugitives: An Act of Forgiveness
A murder went unsolved for 45 years -- but with the mystery cleared up, the time for punishment had passed
Fingering a Master Spy
James Madison: Call Your Agent
Not-So-Hidden Persuaders
O.K., O.K., I Accept
Race The Pain Of Being Black
The other side of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas' inspiring climb out of poverty was the price he paid for success
Kathy's Home Remedy
Vox Pop
You Sure He's 1,000% Behind Me?
"Those Days Were Horrible"
Raisa Gorbachev describes her fears during the coup -- and discloses new details about her personal life
A New Army for a New State
After the coup attempt, Soviet military forces have a mission to help build democracy and stability
A Noose for Najibullah?
Communism a La Francaise
In a town in the "Red Belt" of Paris, the party tends the grass roots and maintains its popular appeal
From Heroes To Infamy
When the Center Does Not Hold
Land Grab in Yugoslavia
No More Mr. Nice Goh?
South Africa
A Recipe for Disaster?
Soviet Union: Bread, Cigarettes and Reform
The revolution spreads from Moscow to the Urals, but can democrats consolidate their power in the provinces?
Soviet Union Knell of the Union?
In concert with republic leaders, Gorbachev erects a shaky new central structure and emerges as the Great Coordinator
Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers
A Mission Close to Home
Despite complaints about a $30 billion price tag, NASA launches a vital program to take the planet's pulse
In Search of the Great White Bear
A handful of hearty U.S. government researchers brave dangerous Alaskan ice and cold to track and protect elusive arctic polar bears
Why Do Blacks Die Young?
The gap in life expectancy between the races in America remains wide. The search for the causes runs from poverty and prejudice to life-style.
The Computer Keys' Scrolls
Closely held ancient documents are revealed through modern software
The Tactics Of Tantrums
For some athletes, getting mad is a way to do better than get even
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 138 No. 11 SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 138 No. 11 SEPTEMBER 16, 1991
Business Notes Corporate Image
On Second Thought . . .
Eco-Commercialism: The Selling Of the Green
Doing well by doing good, merchandisers join forces with environmentalists
Hitting Below Orion's Belt
Breaking the Bank
It Can't Top a Honus Wagner
Scandals Salomon's Minefields
Congress opens its probe by thrashing regulators and promising new rules
Wall Street The Dealers Return
Those blockbuster buyouts of the giddy '80s may be history, but investment bankers are rebuilding business on safer ground
Breaching The Church-State Wall
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ."
Britain's Brand of Choice
Cover Stories: Tough Choice
Lamar Alexander claims to have a cure for the sorry U.S. public-school system. Right or wrong, something must be done.
George Bush's Point Man
The Education Secretary is putting his political skills -- and his ambitions -- on the line to sell Choice to Capitol Hill
After War, a Witch Hunt
URANUS Directed by Claude Berri Screenplay by Claude Berri and Arlette Langmann
Amo, Amas, Amis
Democrats As Cannibals
Two merciless new books explore why the party of the working class does not seem to work anymore
Stone On Stone
The Most Snappy Fella
(Show Business)
Broadway and the opera rediscover the deft lyrics, soaring tunes and raffish nogoodniks of the late Frank Loesser
Why Johnny Might Grow Up Violent and Sexist
Social philosopher MYRIAM MIEDZIAN argues that boys are being raised in a culture that discourages nurturing and leads many of them to denigrate and beat women
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Many Lives And Tricks of 9