Vol. 138 No. 9
Take My Wife, Please . . .
The Great Pundit Scorecard
The Scandal That Won't Go Away
The Select Committee for Navel Examination
Where's Danno?
International Fallout: What the West Can Do
(The Russian Revolution)
Still split over aid to Moscow, the major powers now must decide how to handle Yeltsin and the republics
Postmortem Anatomy of A Coup
(The Russian Revolution)
The dramatic tale of how a handful of party hacks hijacked Soviet democracy -- until a popular revolt shattered their ill-hatched plans
Rising Star: The Man Who Rules Russia
(The Russian Revolution)
Can Boris Yeltsin translate his populism into the kind of democratic leadership that his republic craves, or is he destined to rule by demagogic decree?
The Origins: Prelude to a Putsch
(The Russian Revolution)
At first, Gorbachev tried to lick the conservatives by joining them, but that strategy led him, and the U.S.S.R., to the brink of the abyss
The Retreat: The Silent Guns of August
(The Russian Revolution)
Though the army held its fire, it faces a leadership shake-up and a further erosion of power and influence
The Russian Revolution
(The Russian Revolution)
The Shakeout: Blunt Sword, Dented Shield
(The Russian Revolution)
Initially a supporter of perestroika, the KGB was traumatized by the coup. Soon it may be dismembered.
The White House: Let's Stay in Touch
(The Russian Revolution)
How Yeltsin persuaded George Bush to speak out strongly -- if a bit belatedly -- against the plotters
Upheaval: Desperate Moves
(The Russian Revolution)
By burying the Communist Party, Gorbachev tries to seize the initiative from Yeltsin and slow his country's breakup. He may be too late.
Where Was the Black Box?
(The Russian Revolution)
Big Bang Under Fire
New data about the cosmos have exposed some holes in the theory, but reports of its demise are exaggerated
Teens: The Rising Risk Of AIDS
As the infection rate grows among adolescents, the debate over how to stem it snags on whether to urge safe sex -- or no sex
Wonders of The Vegetable Bin
Six ordinary foodstuffs that medical researchers think have potent effects on cholesterol and cancer
Denim Goes Upscale
Designers are transforming the humble fabric into sexy, colorful party gear
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 138 No. 9 SEPTEMBER 2, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 138 No. 9 SEPTEMBER 2, 1991
Finance: Salvaging Salomon
Brothers A white knight and his new team fight to keep "Solly" afloat despite a tide of client desertions
Scandals: Not Just a Bank
You can get anything you want through B.C.C.I. -- guns, planes, even nuclear-weapons technology
Why 180 Days Aren't Enough
The U.S. has one of the shortest school years in the industrialized world: it's time for a change
Putting The Brakes on Crime
Tulsa tries an innovative therapy to straighten out young offenders: install them in a squad car for a few months
Balls And Brats
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
They Just Keep Rolling Along
On sudden-death Broadway, what makes musicals like Cats and Les Miserables so durable -- and why do they last so much longer than hits of the past?
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Answering The Call of God
In the 1990s From dealing with hostage takers to deciding whether to ordain gays, Archbishop of Canterbury GEORGE CAREY redefines his exacting job to suit the times
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)