Monday, May. 13, 1991
Business Notes
Pity Prodigy. An information network linking computers across the nation, Prodigy prides itself on being user-friendly, but it is becoming known for user-enemies, who accuse it of unjust rate hikes and censorship. Now comes the gravest charge yet: that Prodigy peeks into customers' private files.
To make its service easier to use, Prodigy creates a file in its customers' computers. Some clients complain that medical records, legal briefs and other personal items have appeared in that file. Is Prodigy invading their privacy? Absolutely not, insists the New York-based firm, explaining that when the new file grabs space for itself in a PC, it may accidentally reveal previously erased data. This is all the concerned users are seeing. Even some of Prodigy's accusers agree. Besides, if the firm really wanted to spy, this certainly is the hard way to do it.