Vol. 137 No. 14
. . . And Stone-Age Scuds
A Bumper Crop Of Loopholes
American Notes
DETROIT: Homicidal Homecoming
American Notes
GUN CONTROL: Reagan's Conversion
American Notes
LOS ANGELES : More Hardball Ahead
American Notes
STAMPS: Not Made In the U.S.A.
Confessions That Were Taboo Are Now Just a Technicality
The Supreme Court's conservative majority delivers a big blow to the rights of defendants in a 5-to-4 decision
Information-Age Logjams . . .
Iran To Iraq: Minders Keepers
Keeping Hands Off
As Saddam's loyalists pound the rebels, the carnage inside Iraq poses a quandary with no attractive alternatives for the U.S.
Let A Hundred Snickers Blossom
Maxwell's Hall of Shame
Mere Millions For Kids
Miracle In Brooklyn
The rescue of a desperate 12-year-old girl's abandoned baby shows that hope can survive on even the meanest streets
Misplaced Priorities
When it comes to buying weapons, cost is no object and logic goes out the window. But when it comes to saving infants' lives, penury is the rule.
More Billions For Arms
Schwarzkopf's 100 Hours: Too Few?
The Dope on Dan
The Underground Primary Begins
As big-name Democrats sit it out, Tsongas and Wilder -- that's right, Tsongas and Wilder -- are running for President
West Virginia: Babies in the Balance
Japan: In Search of a Triumph
Tokyo's dithering on the gulf war clouds relations with Washington ; and raises questions about Japan's global role
Soviet Union: Russian Standoff
Gorbachev's authority is stretched to the breaking point as thousands march for Yeltsin in Moscow and the miners' strike spreads
The Balkans: Campaigning, Albanian-Style
After decades of isolation, communism has failed here too. Now, in agony and expectation, the country goes to the polls for its first free elections.
The Political Interest
A Changing of the Guard
The Third Way
A Soviet strategist argues that while repression is all too possible, it is not inevitable
World Notes
MALI: The Winds of Democracy
World Notes
NORTHERN IRELAND: At Long Last, Hope for Peace
World Notes
SOVIET UNION: A Burning Issue
World Notes
THE PHILIPPINES: Ramos Jumps Into the Race
A Grisly And Illicit Trade
An undercover investigator in China reveals a shocking black market in endangered species
The Antarctic Connection
The southernmost continent and North America may have once been neighbors as recently as 570 million years ago
Algona, Iowa A Time to Kill, And a Time to Heal
(American Scene)
Three years after a brutal murder-suicide wiped out a prominent family, a grieving community dedicates a hospital wing to memory
The Simple Life: Goodbye to having it all.
Tired of trendiness and materialism, Americans are rediscovering the joys of home life, basic values and things that last
The Birth and -- Maybe -- Death of Yuppiedom
After 22,000 articles, is this truly the end?
The Real Cafe Society
L'Affaire Gerard Depardieu
France's leading movie star denies an incendiary statement -- and stirs yet more controversy in France and the U.S.
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 137, No. 14 APRIL 8, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 137, No. 14 APRIL 8, 1991
Business Notes
ENVIRONMENT: Barking Up The Right Tree
Business Notes
INNOVATION: Now This Is Carrying a Tune
Business Notes
LITIGATION: Where There's Smoke . . .
Business Notes
TROUBLE: The Malibu Mystery
Did Saddam Skim Billions?
Hints of the strongman's riches set off a global money chase
From Warfare to Fare Wars
After staying home through a bleak winter of conflict and recession, Americans are eager to bust loose -- and travel companies are wooing them
Money Angles "Dear IRS . . . "
The Latest Casualty
Cyberpunks and The Constitution
The fast-changing technologies of the late 20th century pose a challenge to American laws and principles of ages past
Circus Boy: A MODEL WORLD AND OTHER STORIES by Michael Chabon
Close Quarters: SUCH A LONG JOURNEY by Rohinton Mistry
Go Slow, Mr. Marshall
Last Exit to the Land of Hope: A $10 million Broadway musical flaunts spectacle but plays to the heart
Odd Couple, but Are They Fun?: THE MARRYING MAN Directed by Jerry Rees; Screenplay by Neil Simon
The Girls of Summer
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Teach Diversity -- with a Smile