Vol. 137 No. 12
After The Euphoria, a Letdown
For troops returning from the gulf -- and for their loved ones -- battles loom in resuming normal family life
Ugliest Home Videos
American Notes
AMENITIES: The Seat Of Luxury
American Notes
GUNS: Casualties on The Home Front
American Notes
LOUISIANA: Party Pooper
American Notes
TEXAS: End of an Empire
American Notes
Benetton Ads: A Risque Business
Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
No Donkeys in This Horse Race
As Bush savors the gulf victory and lengthens his odds for 1992, the Democrats shy away from the starting gate
On The Outside, Looking In
Once More, Bench Battles
A Bush judicial nominee faces opposition over civil rights
Police Brutality!
Four Los Angeles officers are arrested for a vicious beating, and the country plunges into a debate on the rise of complaints against cops
Schwarzkopf Vs. The Spooks
That's What Friends Are For
The Presidency Ford's Forgotten Legacy
To The Victors Belong Few Spoils
When Life Imitates Art
A hot new gang movie sparks widespread violence
America Abroad
The Conductor of Discord
Boris Yeltsin: Russia's Maverick
Boris Vs. Mikhail: As the people vote on the Union's future, Gorbachev and Yeltsin war over the remains of the empire
Iraq: Wanted: a Strong Leader for a Broken Land (Not You, Saddam)
The allies would love to replace the Iraqi dictator, but a suitable successor is nowhere to be found
Middle East: Ready, Set -- Crawl
Baker sets out on a race for peace in the wake of the gulf war, but so far he's the only one who has crossed the starting line
Portrait of A Populist
Though Yeltsin can -- and does -- still play a crowd like a virtuoso, he is no brash rabble-rouser
The Political Interest Our Man in Kuwait
Who Is Meanest Of Them All?
World Notes
AUSTRIA: Guilty as Charged
World Notes
BRITAIN: The Wheels Of Justice
World Notes
GERMANY: Rescue from Retribution
World Notes
SOUTH AFRICA: Renters No More
Yugoslavia: Mass Bedlam in Belgrade
After a turbulent week of protests, one Serbian leader resigns and another sees his grip on power weakened
Why Quitting Means Gaining
Sad but true: giving up cigarette smoking means battling the bulge, especially for women
Captain Bob's Amazing Eleventh-Hour Rescue
After a bitter five-month strike, the New York Daily News is taken over by a wily British press lord, who may need to work his most remarkable salvage yet
Basketball's Most Deadly Fish:
Even legal battles can't keep "Tark the Shark" Tarkanian out of the premier tournament of the college game
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 137, No. 12 MARCH 25, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 137, No. 12 MARCH 25, 1991
Business Notes
CITIES: Unconventional Tactics
Business Notes
LITIGATION: Exxon Stops The Flow
Business Notes
MEXICO: Precious Glut
Business Notes
UNIONS: Shuffling the Chrysler Board
Excess Baggage Is Not a Firing Offense
Monsieur Mickey
Euro Disneyland is on schedule, but with a distinct French accent
The Treaty of Heathrow
U.S. and British officials divvy up airline rights, adding routes and risks on both sides of the Atlantic
Kicking The Nerd Syndrome
A new cohort of the best and brightest Asian-American students is rejecting the science stereotype and the ethic behind it
A Spring Bouquet of Fiction Five veterans and a promising beginner offer the season's best narratives
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Out-Of-body Experience: DEFENDING YOUR LIFE Directed and Written by Albert Brooks
Taking Her Own Sweet Time
Jazz singer Shirley Horn makes an unforgettable arrival
The Gift of A Lifetime: After a fevered but discreet competition, the Met wins a tycoon's treasured trove
A Crusader From the Heartland
In his one-man campaign to remove fats and cholesterol from processed foods, PHILIP SOKOLOF has taken on some of the biggest U.S. firms -- and won
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)