Vol. 137 No. 10
"Kuwait Is Liberated"
(The Gulf War)
A Case of Nuremberg II?
(The Gulf War)
A Review: Performin' Norman at Center Stage
(The Gulf War)
Consequences: White Flags In the Desert
(The Gulf War)
Now that Iraq is defeated, the world must take up the more challenging task of keeping the peace
(The Gulf War)
My Final Visit with Saddam Hussein
Domestic Impact: Bush's Republican Guard
(The Gulf War)
Hoping to reap big political gains from a spectacular military victory, G.O.P. strategists draw up an electoral battle plan for 1992
Five Decisive Moments
(The Gulf War)
France "Fighting for The Same Cause"
(The Gulf War)
French forces showed that their presence in the gulf was much more than a beau geste
History "A Man You Could Do Business With"
(The Gulf War)
In Washington's eyes, Saddam was not always an enemy. In fact, three Presidents counted on him to keep Iran's brand of Islamic radicalism in check.
Iraq: With His Country in Ruins, How Long Can Saddam Hang On?
(The Gulf War)
Probably longer than governments from Washington to Kuwait City would like, unless the suffering he inflicted inspires an uprising
Kuwait: Free at Last! Free at Last!
(The Gulf War)
Amid the ruins of their capital, citizens celebrate the end of their ordeal -- and ponder revenge against collaborators
Military Tactics: Could Saddam Have Done Better?
(The Gulf War)
Though Iraq might not have prevailed, the war would have been far more ferocious if Baghdad had shifted its strategy
Sayings Of Stormin' Norman
(The Gulf War)
The Allies: A Partnership to Remember
(The Gulf War)
After months of prewar doubts and apprehension, the anti-Saddam coalition proved its mettle and commitment to the common cause
The Armed Forces: A New Breed of Brass
(The Gulf War)
From the ashes of Vietnam, the Pentagon has shaped a sophisticated military that speaks well and fights smart
The Battleground
(The Gulf War)
The 100 Hours In a battle for the history books, the allies break the Iraqi army -- quickly, totally and at unbelievably low cost
The Devastation: Rebuilding a Ravaged Nation
(The Gulf War)
U.S. firms lead in the drive to put Kuwait back together -- a task that will consume more time and money than did the pillaging it aims to repair
The Future Now, Winning The Peace
(The Gulf War)
An unstable and violence-prone Middle East needs a postwar strategy more sophisticated than the winning game plan for the war
The Home Front: Exorcising an Old Demon
(The Gulf War)
A stunning military triumph gives Americans something to cheer about -- and shatters Vietnam's legacy of self-doubt and divisiveness
The Palestinians Back Another Loser
(The Gulf War)
The Presidency Of Force, Fame and Fishing
(The Gulf War)
The Press: It Was a Public Relations Rout Too
(The Gulf War)
The Pentagon did a masterly job of controlling coverage of the war. Now journalists have an image problem.
The Superpower That Isn't There
(The Gulf War)
Magazine contents page Vol. 137, No. 10 MARCH 11, 1991
Magazine masthead Vol. 137, No. 10 MARCH 11, 1991
Then There Was One
The Senate ethics panel spears Cranston but spares the rest
Victory's Dividend
Don't expect miracles, but victory in the gulf should boost the economy
Come On, Baby, Light My Fizzle
THE DOORS Directed by Oliver Stone
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Life Up North: THE PROMISED LAND by Nicholas Lemann
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Holy War of Words