Vol. 137 No. 9
A Fate Better Than Death
What's the best way to escape capital punishment? Maybe fleeing the country and fighting extradition proceedings abroad.
A New Pragmatism
Many first-term Governors find they have no choice but to attack fiscal crises with bold -- and politically risky -- strokes
American Notes
CALIFORNIA: Catch a Rising Star
American Notes
IMMIGRATION: Suing for Amnesty
American Notes
MARYLAND: Double Victory For Feminists
American Notes
TEXAS: Not in My Backyard
American Notes
VIRGINIA: Eleventh-Hour Reprieve
Let's Change the Subject
The Dogs of War
The Early Overture to Assad
The Hit Man Plays A Deadly Tune
We're All in This Together
Why So Many Scuds Are Duds
You Go Your Way, I'll Go Mine
Soviet Union: A Call to Civil War? !
"Resign," Yeltsin tells Gorbachev, plunging the two rivals into a political struggle that only one of them can survive
World Notes
ALBANIA: Not Forever And Enver
World Notes
DIPLOMACY: Arms Pact Sleight of Hand
World Notes
TERRORISM: Old Habits Die Hard
World Notes
THAILAND: Return of the Tanks
America Abroad
(The Gulf War)
No, It's Not a New Cold War
How Badly Crippled Is Saddam?
(The Gulf War)
The answer will play a crucial role in determining how bloody a ground war may be
Preparedness: How Many Wars Can the U.S. Fight?
(The Gulf War)
The Pentagon argues for a leaner military establishment, even though the gulf conflict has stretched its resources to the limit
Reading The Fine Print
(The Gulf War)
The Battleground: Marching to a Conclusion
(The Gulf War)
After Saddam rejects Bush's final ultimatum, the ground assault to free Kuwait begins in all its fury
The Inside Story of Moscow's Quest For a Deal
(The Gulf War)
The Night That Bush Decided
(The Gulf War)
The Political Interest
(The Gulf War)
Arabs and the Aftermath
The Prisoners: The Fruits of Interrogation
(The Gulf War)
Questioning the growing number of Iraqi captives has reaped information that eludes even high-tech satellites
What Is Left of Kuwait?
(The Gulf War)
The country has weathered an invasion, aerial bombardment and a "scorched earth" endgame. Now it faces the task of rebuilding.
Are Sharks Becoming Extinct?
Coming to the rescue of the ocean's most fearsome predator
Why Children Lie in Court
New research shows how the power of suggestion can lead youngsters to say things that send innocent adults to jail
The Bad Side of Looking Good
A young American author causes a storm by arguing that women have become victims of a punishing cult of beauty
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 137, No. 9 MARCH 4, 1991
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 137, No. 9 MARCH 4, 1991
A Capital Scandal
The biggest bank in Washington and a legendary American political adviser are ensnared in a probe involving a shadowy money-laundering enterprise
Business Notes
ARMS MAKERS: The Guns Of Gaul
Business Notes
Business Notes
ENTREPRENEURS: To the Roars Of Herbivores
Business Notes
LAW: Drug Testing For Highflyers
Business Notes
SECURITIES: On Easier Street
The Great Office Giveaway
A year's free rent! Free renovations! Across the U.S., landlords will offer almost anything if you'll just -- please -- sign a lease.
Culture On the Nazi Pillory: The Third Reich's mocking exhibit of "degenerate" works is re-created for the first time
Economics Made Simplistic: THE WORK OF NATIONS by Robert B. Reich
Good Morning, Saudi Arabia
(Show Business)
From Meryl Streep to M.C. Hammer, dozens of celebrities sign up to beam their songs and greetings to troops in the gulf
Home Folks: WHITE PEOPLE by Allan Gurganus
Laughter on The Brink of Tears: Neil Simon's latest play and a revival from Britain's Alan Ayckbourn take comedy to its mainstream limits
Navigator Of the Deep
Of the Deep Joni Mitchell finds the way to her best record in a decade
Weird World: THE MIRACLE GAME by Josef Skvorecky
Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor 29-cent Stamps
Postmaster General ANTHONY FRANK says managing the post office is like nothing his private competitors face
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Must America Slay All the Dragons?