Vol. 136 No. 16
1,000 Points of Spite
Wrangling over the budget forces the government to shut down, at least for a while
American Notes ELECTIONS
Doubling Up On Duke
American Notes HUNTING
They Still Shoot Bison
American Notes NEW YORK
Excavating Baseball
American Notes PREJUDICE
Ivy League Outcry
American Notes TRIALS
Pictures in An Exhibition
An Olympic Cola Contest
All Shook Up
Take the fear of war, add the fecklessness of America's politicians, and what you get looks more and more like a painful global slump
Excuse of the Week
Footnotes From the Front
An off-beat briefing on the Persian Gulf crisis
Fuels From The Crypt
Man in The Muddle
Dick Darman helped create the budget mess, but he can't find a way to solve it
Phil Donahue He's Not
Spokeswoman of the Week
St. Jude Medal Presentation
This Is the Thanks We Get?
Who Deserves the Blame?
Yesterday's Hero Citation
Diplomacy Ode to a New Day
With Germany united and a conventional arms-control agreement in hand, East and West begin a different kind of collective security
India Fatal Fires of Protest
Why Singh's decision to improve the lot of lower-caste members has driven so many Indians to commit suicide
World Notes CHINA
Deadly Bouquet
World Notes PAKISTAN
Her Day In Court
World Notes POLAND
Into the Ring
Mutiny in Mindanao
America Abroad
(The Gulf)
Resisting the Gangbusters Option
Arafat's Dangerous Ploy
(The Gulf)
Dance While You Can
(The Gulf)
Baghdad takes on a surreal haze as Iraqis muse about Saddam's fate and hostages party with diplomats into the night
Saddam Hussein as the Lesser of Two Evils
(The Gulf)
Even among Arabs who condemn him, many consider the foreign presence in the gulf a greater abomination
The Desert Bear
(The Gulf)
The Waiting Game
(The Gulf)
To hold together the coalition against Saddam, George Bush and his many allies are discovering that they must bend a little here and there
Voters Vs. The Negative Nineties
What to do when campaigns are as nasty as a David Lynch film
What Price Love?
Read Carefully Before tying the knot, couples are signing on the dotted line
A Muchness of Maleness
With a host of new entries joining a shrinking magazine field, which of them will be enticing enough to survive?
No Longer Godless Communism
As the Soviet Union restores freedom of religion, believers face opportunities, scarcities and an upwelling of sectarian strife
"They Use Bathrobes"
Trouble in The Locker Rooms
More women reporters face hostility that threatens their access
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 16 OCTOBER 15, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136, No. 16 OCTOBER 15, 1990
Mr. Souter Comes to Town
The frugal bachelor sets up housekeeping after his confirmation
Castro's Island
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
In Peace
Is TV Ruining Our Children?
Reforms are at hand, but the way kids grow up has already been profoundly changed
Onward From Olmec
A monumental exhibit of Mexico's art redeems the "image problem"
Wheels Up!
Wide-Bodies On the Runway
Coupling adverbs and -- surprise! -- some good writing
A Spy In Her Own House
Author, actress, screenwriter and purveyor of a warm wacky wisdom, CARRIE FISHER has achieved a new renown and yes, some peace too
Beware The Day Of the Bear
JAMES GRANT, editor of Wall Street's influential Grant's Interest Rate Observer, predicted the credit crunch, yet won't say "I told you so"
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Warrior Culture