Vol. 136 No. 5
. . . And Frank's
A Big Break For Ollie
Will a court ruling mean that North goes free?
A Conjuration of the Past
Nixon's library enshrines his fight for vindication
American Notes ARMY
Blowing Taps For ROTC
American Notes COLORADO
High Noon In Nucla
American Notes CONGRESS
The $19.90 Solution
American Notes FLORIDA
Victory For a Terrorist
American Notes LOS ANGELES
Uncovering the Manhole Men
And Now a Word From Her Sponsor . . . . Hello?. . . Hello?
Durenberger's Comedown . . .
The Senate ethics committee recommends tough sanctions against a rules-bending lawmaker
Loser of the Week
On Your Next Cuban Vacation . . .
Right Turn Ahead?
A liberal Justice's resignation brings an end to an age of judicial activism. Now Bush may try to accelerate the Supreme Court's conservative trend.
Sherman McCoy, Where Are You?
Son Of Mario
The Pete Rose Community-Service All-Stars
The Political Interest
Prescription for Intelligence
This Week's S&L Horror Award
Uh-Oh, Don't Rite That
Winner of the Week
America Abroad
Bringing Kohl Down to Earth
Kohl Wins His Way
A united nation within his grasp, the German leader will never be underestimated again
Diplomacy Change of Course
The U.S. does an about-face on its Cambodia policy, paving the way for talks with Vietnam
Genscher: The Man Who Shares the Glory
Israel There's No Place Like Home
As Soviet Jews move in, poor Israelis find themselves squeezed for space and establish tent cities at a dozen sites around the country
Soviet Union Breakaway Breadbasket
A Kremlin nightmare: the Ukraine seeks sovereignty
Speeding Over The Bumps
In East Germany the customer may now be king, but problems of adjustment are formidable
The Case for Recognition
The Party Man from Kiev
The Philippines Return of the Vengeful King
A massive temblor shudders Manila and its environs, killing more than 700 people
World Notes BULGARIA
Up in Smoke
World Notes CANADA
Mohawk Standoff
World Notes FRANCE
Surprise Packages
World Notes IRAQ
A Poisoned Dagger
Making Men
The answer lies in Y
From Workouts To Wellness
Exercise clubs now offer much more than sweat
Over The Line
Even moderately high blood pressure could be dangerous
Warnings About a Miracle Drug
Reports of suicide attempts in Prozac users raise doubts about the popular antidepressant
Real-Life Days of Thunder
A Southern folkway no more, stock-car racing revs up nationally
Hidden Hazards of the Airwaves
An obscure newsletter uncovers the perils of the information age
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136, No. 5 JULY 30, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136, No. 5 JULY 30, 1990
Bareknuckle Banking
As worries about American institutions grow, the free-for-all of global finance is becoming more fierce
Business Notes COMPUTERS
Chip Off The New Brick
Business Notes DIPLOMACY
Pretty Cute For a Crowbar
Business Notes MUSIC
Pat Boone's Kind of Sound
Business Notes SURVEYS
Creeping Capitalism
Business Notes TYPEWRITERS
Once High, Now Low
Citicorp Fights to Rise Again
Money Angles
Sleepy, Dopey, Crashful & Co.
Taking A Steep Nose Dive
McDonnell Douglas is forced to make defense cuts
Did The Music Say "Do It"?
A trial tests whether a rock LP subliminally prompted suicides
A Sampler of Witless Truisms
America's Jenny Holzer showers Received Ideas on the Biennale
Ghost Dad
If It Worked Before, Do It Again
The summer's movies go for a knockout but settle for a TKO
Pop Stardom for Fun and Profit
The New Kids on the Block ride a hot new trend: success and salesmanship as part of the act
Directed by Alan J. Pakula Screenplay by Frank Pierson and Alan J. Pakula
The Beatnik's Wife
Imagining Other Lives
EDMUND WHITE, America's most influential gay writer, is living -- and writing -- with AIDS. And the crisis continues.
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Leadership Thing