Vol. 134 No. 26
American Notes ETHICS
Profiting from Promotion
American Notes IRAN-CONTRA
North Returns A Favor
American Notes JUSTICE
Judgment Day For Leona
American Notes MISSISSIPPI
Second Look At Murder
American Notes THE ARMY
An Honor Denied
Bush The Riverboat Gambler
His China overture risks a congressional backlash unless Beijing responds
In A Rage over AIDS
A militant protest group targets the Catholic Church
Kissinger Vs. Nixon
Mailroom Mayhem
High-speed machines and outside competition are pushing postalworkers to provide faster, better service. The pressure is driving some of them crazy
At Last, a Tomorrow Without Battle
Andrei Sakharov: 1921-1989
Drugs Death of a Drug Prince
The brutish life of Rodriguez Gacha ends in a shoot-out
East-West Peering into Europe's Future
How the U.S. hopes to preserve its role across the Atlantic
Lunch With Nelson
Refugees Dashing Their Dreams
Britain begins the forced repatriation of the boat people
South Africa Meeting of Different Minds
Plagued by feuding colleagues, Mandela confers with De Klerk
Soviet Union Face-Off on Reform
Sakharov is gone, but Gorbachev still confronts an angry, outspoken opposition
The Making of an Activist
Tight Smiles, Tense Accord
World Notes CHILE
Democracy Back on Track
Bye-Bye, Bobby
World Notes INDIA
Crime Pays in Kashmir
Peary On Top
He did, after all, go to the North Pole
To The South Pole by Sled
Six explorers try to cross Antarctica -- the hard way
Kansas City's Gentle Giant
Nigeria's Christian Okoye leads the N.F.L. in rushing
In Europe, History Repeats Itself
But will there be a happy ending this time?
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 134, No. 26 DECEMBER 25, 1989
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 134, No. 26 DECEMBER 25, 1989
Business Notes ADVERTISING
Celluloid Vs. Vinyl
Business Notes AIRLINES
Flying the Costly Skies
Business Notes BUYOUTS
Saab Lands a Rich American
Business Notes JAPAN
Help Wanted -- But Not You
Business Notes MARKETING
Seat of Higher (L)earning
Sibling Setbacks
After 19 years of spectacular growth, the world's largest advertising firm seeks a savior to halt a precipitous slide in earnings
What's The Cure for Burnout?
Budget cuts leave the FDA sickly and corporations concerned
Tom Terrific
In his fiery new film, Hollywood's top gun aims for best-actor status
Days Of Distress at CBS
The network hires a new programming chief but needs a miracle
Fall Into Chaos
Hello Again to the Long Goodbye
Mucking With Media
The Whitney offers a long trek through the alien goo
Notes From The Underground
On Time
Power Browser
A Hooligan Who Wields a Pen
Cartoonist BERKE BREATHED thinks reporters are "bloodsucking geckos." But then again, he says even his relatives believe his brain went out with last week's meat loaf
He's Left No Stone Unturned
Determined to bury his desperado past, novelist TOM MCGUANE is back in the saddle with a new book and hard-won, tempered confidence
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
What If the Soviet Union Collapses?