Vol. 134 No. 25
A Cute Number For the Taxman
The bill for Nancy Reagan's dresses may come from the IRS
American Notes CALIFORNIA
The Bishop Picks a Winner
American Notes CHRISTMAS
Eau de Skunk For Thieves
American Notes MARYLAND
Mencken's Musings
American Notes MIAMI
Breaking the Cycle
American Notes THE NAVY
Butt Out, Greenpeace
Easier Said Than Done
Bush and Gorbachev set ambitious goals at Malta, but they left little time for the hard bargaining still to come
Making Deals in Poland
It's a worthy idea, but Americans find little to build on
The Presidency
A Game of One-on-One
Warning: Further -- and Maybe Bigger -- Federal Bailouts Ahead
Risky loans and sloppy supervision could lead to crises that dwarf the $300 billion savings and loan fiasco
America Abroad
Braking the Juggernaut
Canada The Man Who Hated Women
A sick obsession ignites the country's worst mass killing
Colombia Noble Battle, Terrible Toll
In his offensive against the coke princes, President Barco has dented the drug pipeline but hardly destroyed it. The narcos lash back by terrorizing the innocent
East-West Out of Control?
As the Communist order unravels at blinding speed, confusion looms
Is The Soviet Union Next to Explode?
Gorbachev insists he will not deep-six the party, but he may have no choice
Life in The Golden Ghetto
South Africa Probing the Hit Squads
De Klerk investigates a rash of apparent assassinations
The Philippines There Is Always a Next Time
Battered and baited by mutineers, Aquino gets tough and reaches for People Power. But she may not be able to act on the lessons gleaned from the latest rebellion
The Sweep of Change
What The Future Holds
A panel of TIME experts foresees East European instability -- and inevitable German unity in a reshaped Continent
Why Is This Man Smirking?
World Notes IRAQ
Some Deadly New Toys
A Plague on Both Houses
World Notes TAIWAN
Rebuff for the Kuomintang
Endangered Earth Update Let Earth Have Its Day
But the biggest demonstration in history should be only the beginning
Endangered Earth Update Now Wait Just a Minute
Naysayers dispute the forecasts of doom and gloom
Endangered Earth Update U.S. Agenda Consumers It's Not Easy Being Green "Waste
Not, Want Not" should become the slogan for the age
Endangered Earth Update U.S. Agenda Businesses Scrub That Smokestack
Clean, efficient companies can put a shine on their bottom line
Endangered Earth Update U.S. Agenda Government Get Going, Mr.Bush
Rich and profligate, America can spur conservation in countless ways
Endangered Earth Update the Fight to Save the Planet
As concern for the environment grows, and some promising international initiatives take shape, the U.S. must do its share
America Goes Stair Crazy
Better machines propel the popularity of step climbing
The Furor over Wearing Furs
Assailed by animal rightists, many women face a difficult choice
Never Having to Grow Up
The latest geriatric jocks are (creak, groan) baseball players
Old Masters, New Tricks
Italy has become the capital of computerized art restoration
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 134, No. 25 DECEMBER 18, 1989
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 134, No. 25 DECEMBER 18, 1989
Business Notes ADVERTISING
Now the Wall's A Billboard
Business Notes AUTOS
O.K., So We're Human
Business Notes COMPUTERS
The Elephant Tries to Dance
Business Notes LEGISLATION
Down with Smellagrams!
Hey, That's Not Me on TV
A Torrent of Dirty Dollars
Money laundering is a runaway global industry that serves customers ranging from cocaine cartels to tax-dodging corporations
Money Angles
When a House Is Just a Home
Having A Hell of a Time
When Satan takes the stage, audiences wind up with angelic smiles
Of Time and the River
Coming to terms with bravery and tomfoolery
Of Time and the River
Coming to terms with bravery and tomfoolery
Tidings Of Color and Joy
An orchid at the Arctic Circle? A chair carved like a sunflower? A teapot shaped like a bellhop? These beauties to behold can be a gift to give
Vindication Of a Hard-Liner
Long the prophet of Communism's doom, ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI foresees the end of the U.S.S.R. in its present form
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Should the U.S. Help Gorbachev?