Monday, May. 08, 1989
Children will soon be able to wear political statements on their shirts, skirts and pants. Topsville, a New York City manufacturer of children's sportswear, has signed a licensing agreement with Just Say No International, an antidrug foundation, that allows the company to design clothes using the group's slogan. Children will sport the "Just Say No" message on everything from sweat shirts to shorts, in English and several foreign languages. Prices: $5.50 to $12.
The colorful sportswear, which will go on sale in August, will premiere at this week's "Just Say No" Walk Against Drugs in Chicago. Currently there are 15,000 Just Say No clubs in the U.S. Ivy Cohen, executive director of Just Say No International, says the foundation hopes the clothes will generate new interest in the clubs. Says she: "We want to foster a whole antidrug attitude in kids. And the sooner the better."