Monday, May. 01, 1989
American Notes IDAHO
The occasion: a parade in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, honoring the 100th birthday of Adolf Hitler last week. The host: Richard Girnt Butler, 71, leader of the white-supremacist group Aryan Nations. The invited guests: young skinhead toughs whom Butler wants to recruit to his bigoted cause. A 21-year-old Californian identified himself as "Whiteman." At a press conference he defined the skinhead philosophy as "retaliation for all the years of being beaten down by other races." He went on to predict that "a new generation has to come. The skins are the next wave."
Despite Whiteman's fervor, Butler -- explaining that he did not want to risk exposing his followers to an "AIDS-infected" mob -- decided to call off his parade after local human-rights activists promised to bring in up to 3,000 protesters to stage an opposition march (1,200 showed up last Saturday). Butler had to settle for a diatribe-filled "skinhead seminar" attended by a pathetic audience of some 50 racists at his nearby compound in Hayden Lake.