Monday, Mar. 13, 1989
Business Notes ADVERTISING
Every Sunday evening some 11 million U.S. households watch the Fox network's raunchy hit, Married . . . With Children. But a letter-writing campaign by just one shocked viewer in suburban Detroit has prompted several national advertisers to yank their commercials from the blue-collar sitcom.
The crusade began in January, when Terry Rakolta, a mother of four, first tuned in to Married . . . With Children because the title seemed to promise wholesome family entertainment. Instead, Rakolta discovered the raucous and sometimes raw adventures of the Bundy family. Horrified by the sexual and scatological humor, Rakolta became an avid monitor of the program and began sending its advertisers hundreds of protest letters.
The one-woman crusade has had dramatic results. Kimberly-Clark, McDonald's and Tambrands have asked their ad agencies to pull their commercials from Married. Coca-Cola has promised to screen future episodes. Says Rakolta: "It restores my faith in the big American product companies."