Monday, Feb. 27, 1989
American Notes DALLAS
Now, for just $4 ($3 for senior citizens), one can ride an elevator to the sixth floor of the former Texas School Book Depository in Dallas and see the perch from which Lee Harvey Oswald gunned down a President. The book cartons have been arranged just the way Oswald placed them 25 years ago to avoid being seen by co-workers. True, a clear screen keeps tourists from entering the assassin's lair, but the view of Dealey Plaza from accessible windows is about the same. One cannot, however, bring a rifle to check out the sights. A metal detector has been set up to spot gun toters.
The controversial display opened this week, after years of local arguments over how, if at all, the site should be preserved. A private nonprofit foundation raised $1.3 million to create the museum, and Dallas County, which owns the building, built a reception area with a $2.2 million bond issue. The Kennedy family, which was known to oppose the project, was not consulted on the plans.