Monday, Sep. 12, 1988



COVER: Gridlock has gripped America, taking a toll on nerves and productivity

After returning from summer jaunts, many travelers are looking back in anger at odysseys through jam- packed freeways, bottlenecked bridges and overstuffed airports. But gridlock is more than just an irritant: the jam- up is costing the U. S. billions of dollars in lost time and wasted fuel. It has even begun to influence where people choose to live and work. See ECONOMY & BUSINESS.


NATION: Those fickle polls reflect the fuzzy images of the presidential candidates

With Bush creating sideshows and Dukakis muting issues, neither gains consistent support. -- Three battleground states -- Texas, Illinois and California -- hold 100 potentially decisive electoral votes. -- Despite rhetoric, the candidates fail to see inadequate schools as a national- security threat. -- The U. S. backs a cashiered Panamanian colonel seeking a coup against Noriega.


WORLD: History' s worst air- show disaster raises questions about safety and training

A midair mishap kills three Italian pilots and at least 47 spectators at a U. S. air base in West Germany, touching off a controversy about low- level flying within NATO. -- After being invited to meet with authorities, Poland' s Lech Walesa calls for striking workers to return to their jobs. -- A prosperous and newly democratized South Korea gets set to play host to the Olympics.



In an era of safe- sex manuals and $18,000 college fees, freshman life poses some unexpected problems for the class of '92.



China' s reforms have caused unexpected social strains, but few have been as unsettling as the new aura of sexual permissiveness.


Health & Fitness

In their effort to reduce cholesterol, Americans are going gaga over oatmeal, oat bran, oat muffins and almost anything else with oats.



After a 14- month war of words, wits and writs, the U. S. and New Zealand this week compete for the America' s Cup on the water.



Running on Empty finds home truths in the drama of a family of '60s radicals turned fugitives. -- Moon over Parador: Evita was funnier.



Author Albert Goldman strips bare the best and brightest of the Beatles in his controversial biography The Lives of John Lennon.



Artistic Director Garland Wright fills the Guthrie' s "gladiatorial space" with bold, striking shows. A case in point: his new Hamlet.



George Bush seems to be running on the issue of patriotism. But it' s patriotism of a peculiar -- and peculiarly unfortunate -- kind.

4 Letters

12 American Scene

64 Press

68 Science

69 People

70 Milestones

84 Music

Cover: Construction by Mirko Ilic; photograph by Roberto Brosan