Monday, Aug. 01, 1988
American Notes PARKS
Venerable National Park Service Director William Mott, 78, and his assistant Loran Fraser thought they had a grand idea. "A National Celebration of the Outdoors," modeled on the recommendations of a presidential commission, was to be a week of activities focusing attention on conservation in local communities throughout the country. But last April Mott's boss, Interior Secretary Donald Hodel, chewed out the pair and demanded they abandon their efforts. Soon after, Mott and Fraser received a memorandum from Interior's legal office telling them they were under investigation and should retain outside legal counsel. "Hodel humiliated Mott," says one department official.
Some conservationists point out that Hodel was promoting "Take Pride in America," a national program similar to the one being planned by Mott and Fraser. Instead of encouraging more government-backed conservation programs, however, "Take Pride" stresses private property rights of landowners. A spokesman for Hodel insists the dispute "is not a matter of jealousy." Meanwhile, the investigation of Mott and Fraser for "violations of the code of conduct and conflict of interest" continues.