Monday, Jul. 25, 1988
Meanwhile, Back Home . . .
Even as Mikhail Gorbachev extolled the virtues of perestroika in Poland, the potential pitfalls of demokratizatsiya continued to be embarrassingly apparent in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Delaware-size region that is geographically part of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan but whose people are predominantly Armenian. After five months of protests by Armenian activists who wanted the enclave to become part of the Armenian Republic, the ruling council of Nagorno-Karabakh voted unanimously last week to secede from Azerbaijan. According to TASS, the council also decided to rename the area "the Artsakh Autonomous Region of Armenia" and to be governed by Armenia.
So much for wishful thinking. The executive council of the Azerbaijani parliament promptly passed a resolution declaring the vote illegal, and Nagorno-Karabakh's public prosecutor appeared on nationwide television to second that opinion. In a main square of Yerevan, the Armenian capital, protesters continued to demonstrate solidarity with Nagorno-Karabakh secessionists.
Since foreign journalists are forbidden to travel to the area, they must rely on telephone interviews with Armenian activists. "Nearly the whole country is on strike," a musician in Yerevan told TIME Moscow Correspondent Ann Blackman. "Most plants are shut, including one that supplies rubber for much of the country. Movie theaters and concert halls are closed. We're in a state of mourning." He reported that militiamen accompany bus drivers in case local citizens set up blockades and that doctors and telephone operators stop work for one minute each hour to demonstrate their sympathy.
Other Armenians reported that local prosecutors were pressuring witnesses to testify that demonstrators had provoked troops at an airport in early July. A young Yerevan man was killed in the clash. "People are bringing in evidence, but it's not the kind the prosecutors want," said a Yerevan teacher.
Meanwhile, Soviet television reported that factories remain closed in Nagorno-Karabakh and that troops continue to patrol the capital, Stepanakert. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the nation's highest executive body, is expected to consider the Nagorno-Karabakh issue this week, but so far the Kremlin has shown no inclination to redraw borders.