Monday, Jul. 18, 1988


Proletarian tempers matched temperatures in Belgrade last week: both were hot, hot, hot. For six hours, 5,000 striking leather and shoe workers endured 100- plus degrees F weather to wave banners and chant antigovernment slogans in front of the National Assembly building in the capital. Then about 1,500 workers broke through police barriers and forced their way into the building to confront startled politicos. The demonstrators demanded better wages and denounced rising prices and bad management.

The protesters moved to the headquarters of the Communist-controlled trade- union confederation, where they chanted, "We want Krekic's head!" That was a . reference to Nenad Krekic, Yugoslavia's Minister for Foreign Trade, who later appeared and drew catcalls by insisting that the workers' demands would only "worsen our prospects." No arrests were reported.