Monday, Jul. 18, 1988

Time Magazine Contents Page July 18, 1988


COVER: A dramatic nighttime Soviet launch heralds a new era in Mars exploration

Along with an ambitious schedule of unmanned missions, the Soviet probes of the Martian moon Phobos are paving the way for a manned flight to Mars. The fact has not been lost on many Americans, who think the U. S. space program should aim at putting humans on the Red Planet. The cost is stupendous, the technology tricky, and the hazards real, but Mars still beckons. See SPACE.


NATION: The downing of Flight 655 raises questions on technology and morality

While experts try to piece together what happened aboard the U. S. S. Vincennes, the Iranians vent their anger and the U. S. wrestles with the issue of collective guilt. -- Tarnished but unindicted, Attorney General Meese finally bows out. -- How will Michael Dukakis, the consummate straight arrow, act on the world stage? -- Dukakis casts a wide net in search of a running mate.


WORLD: Mexico' s ruling party claims victory amid charges of election fraud

After dominating Mexican politics for 59 years, the P. R. I. loses its ballot- box hegemony as opposition candidates make historic gains. -- An interview with the apparent winner, Carlos Salinas de Gortari. -- Washington Bureau Chief Strobe Talbott visits the fortified Sino- Soviet border and reports on the prospect of replacing guns with trade. -- An oil rig explodes off the coast of Scotland.


Economy & Business

$ As the unemployment rate hits a 14- year low, firms confront growing worker shortages. -- A Texas job center saves barrio youths.



To mollify opponents of women in the ministry, America' s Episcopalians and the Church of England approve awkward compromises.



Aiming to impress voters with their savvy, the Democrats have turned next week' s convention into a showcase of high- tech management.



While William Bennett is stepping down as Secretary of Education, he may be looking to take a big step upward in politics.



This year' s Wimbledon had a feeling of passage as new champions were crowned. One of them, West Germany' s Steffi Graf, is for the ages.



No longer suppressed, Russian modernist painting emerges in the international market as Sotheby' s holds a $3.6 million sale in Moscow.



No must- see new musicals this year, but the London theater season does boast provocative plays by Peter Shaffer and Tom Stoppard.



If you happen to see demons and deities everywhere, trying to "live mythologically" may be more easily advised than done.

11 Letters

55 Milestones

56 Law

63 People

67 Living

68 Books

73 Cinema

Cover: Mars globe constructed from Mariner 9 photos -- NASA/ JPL