Monday, Jun. 20, 1988
Time Magazine Contents Page June 20, 1988
COVER: Welcoming summer, Americans find paradise in their own backyards
Maybe it is the change of season, or something in the social climate, but suddenly everyone seems to be a gardener. Whether it is an elegant floral sanctuary or a swatch of tomatoes or a circle of herbs, our garden provides us with essential staples: good health, creative challenge, rare humility and peace of mind. -- A gardener' s reflections on roses and apple trees. See LIVING.
NATION: Dukakis wraps up the prize -- but don' t tell that to Jesse Jackson
A mysterious midnight meeting leaves the Democratic rivals publicly at odds as Jackson demands a vice- presidential offer. -- A look at the privileged childhoods of Michael Dukakis and George Bush. -- New York' s racially charged Brawley affair is more a political movement than a criminal case. -- Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci is doing the toughest job in Washington -- and well.
BUSINESS: The communique the Toronto summiteers will, alas, never produce
Leaders of the Group of Seven industrial nations will issue a predictable declaration containing vague pledges of cooperation and general prescriptions for economic ills. TIME offers an alternative version with concrete measures designed to ensure world prosperity. -- Northrop faces a probe of an alleged payoff in Korea to help sell the F- 20. -- The biggest S and L liquidation ever.
With Iraq on the offensive, morale in Iran is sagging. -- Arafat gets a boost at the Arab summit. -- The French send Mitterrand a message.
In a bold display of glasnost, the Soviets honor 1,000 years of Christianity and are host to a high- powered Vatican delegation.
With a shortage of lawyers willing to donate time to the poor, a major firm offers to subsidize the pay of some legal- aid attorneys.
Who could begrudge David Hockney his success when, as his retrospective shows, he creates a consistent world with such skill and wit?
The primal horror of a mother killing her newborn baby may be rooted in severe mental disorders some women suffer after giving birth.
A 65- city concert tour of Dirty Dancing and the success of pube rockers like Tiffany signal the discovery of '60s sounds by '80s teens.
Bull Durham is a dandy summer baseball yarn starring Kevin Costner. -- Red Heat is Arnold Schwarzenegger' s neat new pecs-' n'- sex epic.
Why are we always so disappointed in our presidential nominees? They are not small, but the Oval Office in our minds is absurdly large.
5 Letters
8 American Scene
55 Technology
61 People
72 Video
79 Education
85 Books
89 Milestones
Cover: Collage by Renee Klein