Monday, Jun. 06, 1988
World Notes BRITAIN
Never before had the British Broadcasting Corporation's on-air decorum been so severely tested. Just as Newscasters Sue Lawley and Nicholas Witchell were about to begin The Six O'Clock News, four women rushed into the London studio. Their aim: to protest legislation prohibiting local authorities from promoting homosexuality.
Amid shrieks and thumps, as the intruders handcuffed themselves to cameras and scenery, Lawley plowed ahead undeterred. "I am afraid that we have been rather invaded," she announced calmly. "In the meantime, if you can avoid the background noise, we will bring you the news if we can." Witchell, seeing a demonstrator handcuff herself to Lawley's desk, took intrepid -- although sadly unvideotaped -- action: "I sat on her and put my hand over her mouth." Police eventually removed the unwelcome guests, who were released later without being charged.