Monday, May. 02, 1988

World Notes BRITAIN

The evening session in the House of Commons was nearly over when Labor Member Ron Brown did the unforgettable -- and unforgivable. Frustrated by the government's tax policies and cuts in welfare spending, Brown roared down from his back-bench seat, hurled papers at a minister, then grabbed the 17th century ceremonial mace that rests at the center of the Commons and threw it to the floor. The nearly 5-ft.-long staff, part of the Crown Jewels, is a cherished symbol of Parliament's rule.

When Brown refused to read a formal apology, his colleagues voted to suspend the Scottish M.P. for four weeks and ordered him to pay the $1,800 cost of repairing the silver-gilt mace. Brown enraged his party's leader, Neil Kinnock, who assailed him for "loutishness."