Monday, Apr. 25, 1988
World Notes BRITAIN
Poor Prince Charles. Remember all those rumors last year about how his marriage was on the rocks? The tabloid headlines have returned, complete with photos of Charles salmon fishing in Scotland but without Diana. Di's lack of affection for standing in a stream is well known, so no one should be surprised that she chose to stay away. Among Charles' guests was a former flame, Lady Dale ("Kanga") Tryon. Never mind that Lady Dale's husband was along on the trip; the tabloids do not let little facts like that interfere with gossip.
Charles was also the target of some acid comments last week by Norman Tebbit, former chairman of Britain's Conservative Party. In a BBC telecast, Tebbit warned Charles not to go too far in his comments on social issues. "I suppose the Prince of Wales feels extra sympathy for those who've got no job because in a way he's got no job," said Tebbit. "He is not yet 40, yet he has not been able to take responsibility for anything."