Monday, Apr. 18, 1988

American Notes ARKANSAS

When the conspiracy trial of 13 white supremacists began in Fort Smith, Ark., last February on charges that they were part of a plot to overthrow the Government and establish an Aryan nation in the Pacific Northwest, prosecutors were convinced that a jury would return a guilty verdict. Three of the suspects lead Hitlerite hate groups and claim that the Government is under "Zionist occupation." Nine of the defendants were charged with conspiracy, and five were accused of planning to murder federal officials. Six of the 13 were in jail for other crimes, including two found guilty of murdering Alan Berg, a Denver radio-show host, in 1984.

Last week the jury delivered its judgment: not guilty. Jurors apparently agreed with the defense's contention that a Government witness, James Ellison, who is serving a 20-year term for racketeering, made up the conspiracy theory to win a reduced sentence. Declared Defendant Louis Ray Beam: "The Zionist occupation government has suffered a terrible blow."