Monday, Jan. 18, 1988

American Notes CURRENCY

It might not prop up the U.S. dollar abroad, but it could give the buck more weight at home. An alliance of Congressmen and business groups wants to replace the dollar bill with a gold-colored coin bearing the likeness of Christopher Columbus. The change would boost business for vending machines and could help the blind distinguish a dollar from larger denominations. It would also save money: coins last 13 times as long as the average greenback's 18- month life-span.

Although legislation was introduced in Congress last fall, so far the campaign for a hard dollar remains a shiny dream. "We're talking strictly public inertia," admits Jim Benfield, a lobbyist for the Coin Coalition, which includes copper interests and convenience stores. About half a billion of the last dollar-coin attempt, the forlorn Susan B. Anthony dollar that was issued eight years ago, collect dust in vaults across the country.