Monday, Dec. 28, 1987
American Notes THE HOMELESS
The stereotype of the homeless as vagrants or mentally ill is increasingly out of date. Families with children constitute one-third of the homeless population in 26 major cities, according to a study released last week by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Moreover, 22% of the homeless hold full- or part- time jobs, but the lack of affordable housing means some low-wage workers cannot find shelter. Meanwhile, the average wait for subsidized housing has reached 22 months.
The task force blames the homeless crisis on the Reagan Administration's cuts in federal housing aid, food stamps, and programs to care for the mentally ill. Said Boston Mayor Ray Flynn, the task-force chairman: "If the record number of people in America's streets and soup kitchens had been driven there by a natural catastrophe, many parts of our country would be declared disaster areas."