Monday, Nov. 16, 1987
COVER: Fatal Attraction hits gold as a nightmare parable of sex in the '80s
Warning: Fooling Around May Be Hazardous to Your Health. In its story of a married man who has a quick, hot affair and then lives (just barely) to regret it, the film taps a nerve of anxiety to become the decade' s zeitgeist hit. -- Stardom comes to Actress Glenn Close, whose homicidal character can be seen as an avenging angel of feminism. See CINEMA.
WORLD: Amid hope and skepticism, Central America' s peace plan goes forward
A crucial deadline is met as Nicaragua agrees to talk to the contras about a cease- fire. President Daniel Ortega Saavedra tells why in a Time interview. Meanwhile, in the region' s key trouble spots, Nicaragua and El Salvador, life remains hard. -- Gorbachev cautiously denounces Stalin' s crimes. -- Habib Bourguiba, ruler of Tunisia for three decades, is ousted.
BUSINESS: To avoid a recession in 1988, Washington makes a sacrifice: the dollar
By pouring money into the economy and easing interest rates, the U. S. allows the dollar to plummet against other major currencies. Although most economists agree the dollar' s fall is inevitable, it is a dangerous move that will carry a new set of economic risks. Meanwhile, the U. S. is making progress toward cutting its budget deficit and encouraging global economic coordination.
Marijuana use wrecks Douglas Ginsburg' s Supreme Court omination. -- Caspar Weinberger retires, and the Pentagon gets Frank Carlucci, a battlewise bureaucrat less leery of compromise. -- Homely but authentic, Paul Simon is moving ahead in the Democratic presidential race. -- Winds of change in Mississippi.
In Brazil an international medical team tries out an experimental drug on victims of the West' s worst radiation accident.
An era ends for the Religious Right, as Jerry Falwell departs from Moral Majority and Candidate Pat Robertson looks to the future.
Margaret Thatcher' s Britain makes a rich subject for Margaret Drabble' s tenth novel. -- A sardonic memoir of 40 years at the U. N.
Health & Fitness
Judging the shape you' re in? What counts is not how much you weigh but how much is fat. -- At last, the exercise Laundromat.
Cinderella, Rapunzel and Little Red Ridinghood meet in Into the Woods, Stephen Sondheim' s brilliant new Broadway musical.
The death of a battered New York City child raises pity, fury and a question: How are you to react when you hear a scream in the night?
10 Letters
14 American Scene
83 People
86 Sport
90 Sexes
95 Video
97 Dance
98 Milestones
Cover: Photograph by Herb Ritts