Monday, Oct. 19, 1987



COVER: Man- made chemicals may be hastening shifts in the earth' s climate

A remarkable scientific expedition takes the measure of the Antarctic ozone hole and spurs concern that life on earth may become increasingly vulnerable to cancer- causing ultraviolet radiation. Disturbing evidence is mounting that emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases are heating up the world' s climate at a rate unseen since the end of the ice age. See ENVIRONMENT.


NATION: Gulf tensions rise as the U. S. and Iran clash again in a shootout at sea

American choppers sink one gunboat and disable two others after Iranians open fire. -- Robert Bork vows to take his futile Supreme Court confirmation fight to a vote on the Senate floor. -- A young Al Gore, the South' s articulate contender, stakes out a hawkish role in the Democratic nomination race. -- Clare Boothe Luce, a woman who triumphed in a man' s world, dies at 84.


BUSINESS: U. S. industry fights to regain its prowess in the global marketplace

Competitiveness has become a top economic priority from Main Street to Capitol Hill. American companies have slimmed down and smartened up in the nick of time, because a bruising global battle has only just begun. As more countries become industrial powerhouses and their companies seek larger marketplaces, the U. S. will meet more and stronger competitors.



The exiled Dalai Lama calls for nonviolent rotest in Tibet after Peking blames him for pro- independence riots in his homeland.

-- Reagan sticks to his guns as the search for peace in Central America continues. -- Shipwrecked illegal immigrants are eaten by sharks. -- Inside Haiti today. -- Monkey business in space.



A stunning book tells of the tragic mishandling of the AIDS epidemic and the $ eerie role of Patient Zero. -- AIDS and circumcision.



Each year some 300 children in the U. S. murder one or both of their parents. Increasingly, they argue that abuse drove them to it.



Unable to control either the "scabs" or themselves, the N. F. L. players appear to be losing their strike inside and out.



In a yuppie market, hot new writers like Tama Janowitz and Bret Easton Ellis are packaged and hyped as fashionable commodities.


Show Business

Roll over, Beethoven; Chuck Berry, turning 61 but still supple and satanic, is reelin' and rockin' with a movie and an autobiography.



Subliminally or with sticky fingers, two composers using twelve notes come up with the same tune. Has a song been stolen?

5 Letters

9 American Scene

45 Health & Fitness

71 People

74 Religion

74 Milestones

76 Cinema

85 Theater

Cover: Photograph by Elle Schuster