Monday, Jun. 08, 1987
Judging Leaders
Like Gary Hart ((NATION, May 18)), I am an angry, defiant man. Having endured the shallow Reagan Administration, I do not believe the nation can afford another political debacle in 1988. So I am angry that Hart would take the Democratic presidential nomination so lightly. I defy him to convince me that his behavior was not selfish and stupid.
Carl McFarland Jr.
It is unbelievable that Senator Hart has been forced out of the race for the presidency of the U.S. because of a trifling indiscretion. Do Americans really insist that their leaders be models of sexual morality? What the world expects of a U.S. President is a dedication to bringing about nuclear sanity.
Gulur S. Hiranyappa
Bangalore, India
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Hart affair is the reaction of other public figures. They downplay the importance of qualities like judgment and integrity and say we should focus on the issues. Well, we are not electing an issue. We are electing a man, and the bottom line in this matter is that Americans do not want a President who cheats on his wife.
R. Wayne Porter
Russellville, Ariz.
King Solomon must have had Lee Hart in mind when he wrote, "Her price is far above rubies."
Ben Morris
Kentwood, La.
In response to Betty Friedan's comment that this is the last time a candidate will be able to treat women like bimbos, I say male politicians will treat females that way as long as women continue to behave like bimbos.
Roberta Breeden
Hinsdale, Ill.
What the Miami Herald did was despicable. Freedom of the press has got out of hand. Its power to intimidate and destroy is frightening.
Mary Hilbert
Freeland, Wash.
Hart's political demise raises questions about the qualities a leader needs. A leader accepts responsibility for his errors and does not whine when the press exposes the truth. A leader does not avoid a fight if he believes he is right. He realizes that actions speak louder than words and that voters / will judge him by his deeds. Did the media cause Hart's downfall? No, because he never was a leader.
Jerry Holderman
Irvine, Calif.