Monday, Mar. 02, 1987

Business Notes LABOR

Since America's labor unions no longer have enough clout to win hefty pay hikes for workers, their leaders have to be creative to attract recruits. The AFL-CIO has a new program to provide cheap legal services to its membership. Some 320 law firms nationwide have agreed to give union members 30 minutes of free advice and a 30% discount on subsequent legal work. The participating law firms see it as a way to drum up new clients.

The plan is part of a major AFL-CIO drive to boost membership in its 92 unions, which has dwindled from 14 million four years ago to 13 million today. Last summer the Bank of New York began issuing discount MasterCards to union members across the U.S. They carry annual interest rates of less than 15%, in contrast to 18% or more on typical cards. One union official admits that "it is hard to tell" if the incentives are bringing in new members, but the AFL- CIO is preparing several more drawing cards, including a discount travel club.