Monday, Feb. 23, 1987

Business Notes PUBLISHING

^ For Burda Moden magazine, the world's largest fashion monthly (est. circ. 2.5 million), the year's trendiest color is without a doubt red. West Germany's rough equivalent of Vogue is about to become the first capitalist fashion journal to publish a Russian-language Soviet edition. Burda's initial 100,000- copy Soviet offering, with advertisements from such upscale firms as American Express, Cartier and Adidas, will hit Moscow newsstands on March 3. Says Manfred Made, director of the magazine's parent publishing house: "We are thinking in long terms. We believe that the Soviet market will be of immense attraction for Western companies."

The deal to allow Burda to appear four times a year in the Soviet Union was struck last May as part of Mikhail Gorbachev's campaign to upgrade the quality of Soviet life. Part of the magazine's expected appeal is that it publishes sewing patterns of its fashion offerings, which Soviet homemakers will be able to copy. Another factor that probably found favor with Moscow's officialdom is that Burda shuns articles on sex and politics, traditional Soviet taboos. At first the new Burda edition will be printed in West Germany, but the plan is to begin printing in Moscow within two years and reach a circulation of 1 million.