Monday, Dec. 01, 1986
By Guy D. Garcia
She lives quietly now with her husband, their two small children and assorted relatives in a large villa up the hill from Cannes. She still places phone orders with the most expensive shops in Paris, but life is more idle than idyllic for Michele Duvalier and exiled Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude ("Baby Doc") Duvalier. For starters, the couple is forbidden to leave the area by the French government, which has also frozen $124 million in cash and property pending litigation of a suit by the Haitian government. And since fleeing Haiti last February, they have been shunned by locals, attacked by the international press and, even worse, become plain bored. "In truth, I do find my days a bit empty," says the former First Lady in an interview in the December Vanity Fair. Her time is filled with TV and crossword puzzles. She is "unable to concentrate on novels" but does give her husband ("mon tonton") a manicure every 15 days. He too, she reports, "is looking for something to do." But the worst is that he cannot get used to sidewalks. "If only Jean-Claude would realize that you can't walk in the road without getting run over, our life would be just fine."