Monday, Nov. 24, 1986


By Guy D. Garcia

Most journalists hoping to interview a rock star must first surmount a human barricade of dyspeptic press agents, surly managers and beefy bodyguards. Not Monaco's Princess Stephanie, who recently added the quill to a quiver of part-time professions that include swimsuit designer, model and singer (her debut album, Besoin (Need), is a hit in Europe and will be released in the U.S. next year). It seems that the dilettante Princess was smitten with Rod Stewart at a show during his latest tour and, after a photo shoot that will appear in the December issue of the American Elle, asked the veteran rocker for an on-the-record chat. Stewart obliged, though the results are less than Pulitzer material. (Sample question: Do you think you're sexy? Answer: Hmmmm.) "She's got a lot to learn," confides Stewart. "First thing she has to do is stop giggling. The interview lasted about 15 minutes, but most of that was laughing. I don't think she'll be doing much more of this." That should not be a problem, since Stephanie seems afflicted with a short attention span in everything she does. Just ask Actor Rob Lowe, who apparently broke up with her earlier this month after one of the quickest romances on tabloid record.