Vol. 128 No. 8
American Notes Advertising
Deficit Trial
American Notes Elections
Mixed Results in Georgia
American Notes Flying
Clearing the Upper Air
American Notes Lobbying
Coming Down on Deaver
American Notes Safety
Backseat Killers
Battle of the Blazes
The Making of a Miracle
Against all odds, Congress hammers out a radical tax-reform plan
Dutiful Daughter
War on the home front
English Spoken Here, O.K.?
A California crusade tries to stamp out bilingualism
Family Finances
Into the "Evil Empire"
Richard Perle, an old Kremlin foe, finally gets to Moscow
Pac Attack
New money rules are voted
Playing the All-New 1040 Game
Porcine Pacers
Pig races pack 'em in
The Check Is Nearly in the Mail
A divided Senate approves aid to Nicaragua's CONTRAS -- again
The Great Pretender
The Presidency
Outsize Slippers for Mr. Lincoln
Trading Breaks for Lower Rates
Business will pay more, but for the economy the news is good
High Seas a Twice-Told Tale with a Twist
Mysterious Sri Lankan castaways turn up in Newfoundland
Lebanon Stepchildren of a Nightmare
U.N. Forces Are Drawn into the Violent World of The Shi'ites
Mexico Shaking Hands, Not Fists
To ease tension and mistrust, two Presidents take aim at the drug trade
Pakistan Going Backward
Junejo cracks down
South Africa Hard Words, Harsh Actions
Botha attacks his critics, and the U.S. Senate votes for sanctions
The Courts Vs. Apartheid
The Gulf in Harm's Way
Iraqi pilots strike hard at Iran
World Notes France
Down and Out, Paris Style
World Notes Nicaragua
Paradise in a Marxist Haven
World Notes Soviet Union
High-Profile First Lady
World Notes Terrorism
Death Comes to a General
World Notes Tunisia
Bourguibas Go Splitsville
Brighter Future for Nasa?
A replacement shuttle and a fail-safe booster
Patriarch of the Aviary
Have Toque, Will Travel
America lures European chefs and restaurateurs
In Montana: the Recital At Marge's House
(American Scene)
Rolling Along on the Rails
Some train lovers find private cars the only way to go
Scoring Off the Field
The penalty flag has been thrown for drug use among athletes
Bang-Up Time in London
(Economy & Business)
A staid investment community explodes on the eve of deregulation
Business Notes Currencies
(Economy & Business)
Stop Passing the Buck
Business Notes Investments
(Economy & Business)
Lady Liberty's Golden Glow
Business Notes Lawsuits
(Economy & Business)
A Small Whiff of Sabotage
Business Notes Retailing
(Economy & Business)
Maxxumizing Camera Prices
Business Notes Trade
(Economy & Business)
Cooking Up a Food Accord
Cutting Ties
(Economy & Business)
Schwab leaves BankAmerica
Living with Aids on the Job
(Economy & Business)
As lawsuits arise, companies are learning to give victims a chance
Ratifying a Winner in the Phone Vote
(Economy & Business)
Despite competition, AT&T is still No. 1
Sailing Close to the Wind
(Economy & Business)
Turner takes a soaking with TBS's latest financial results
"Big People Can Be Wrong"
A persistent attorney wins vindication from the Chief Justice
A Sweet and Sentimental Smash
CBS's Latest Soap Opera
Layoffs, dissension and now a threatening white knight
No Slumming in Summertime
Three ambitious new films enliven the dog days
The Great Lp Vs. Cd War )
Are compact discs the audio equivalent of McDonald's?
Theology and the Computer Roger's Version
by John Updike; Knopf; 329 pages; $17.95
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
A Quarter-Century Later,
The Myth Endures