Vol. 128 No. 2
A Solid Yes to Affirmative Action
Two rulings add up to a stinging repudiation of the Justice Department
American Notes Atlanta
Stamped into History
American Notes Disasters
Replay of a Tragedy
American Notes Lawsuits
Race to the Courthouse
American Notes Nevada
Flagged Down By the Feds
American Notes Space
The Titan Will Fly Again
Commercial Break
The Lady's Party
She had the biggest birthday ever, and why not?
Knocking on the Bedroom Door
The high court hands a defeat to homosexuals--and privacy rights
Public Squabbles, Private Deal
Amid U.S.-Soviet shadowboxing, a step toward arms control
Sad Exit
Senator East commits suicide
The Presidency
A Mind with Few Limits
American Notes France
A Whiff of Corruption
American Notes Lebanon
A New Kind of Drop-Off
American Notes Soviet Union
Back to the Future
American Notes the Philippines
The Bleeding Goes On
Chile Striking Back
A walkout cripples the nation
China Deng Consolidates His Gains
After a challenge, the economic revolution keeps on rolling
Israel an Embarrassment of Problems
Security officials are rendered red-faced by a trio of scandals
Northern Ireland Putting Protest Back in Protestant
The climax of the marching season brings fears of new violence
Poland Friends Indeed
Hard-line triumph, for now
Rumania Mother of the Fatherland
Elena Ceausescu is a major power behind her husband's reign
Search for a Middle Ground
South Africa Life Behind the Walls
A sense of unease grows among whites as blacks turn more militant
World Notes Canada
Let's Do the Shuffle
A Preserve of Splendid Grass
The Park Service faces a battle to save the prairie
And Now, Time Out for Tapas
New Spanish-style nibbling catches on across the country
Some Bald Facts About Minoxidil
(Health & Fitness)
Upjohn's lotion has raised luxuriant hopes but only so-so hair
Stimulus for an Ailing Heart
Patches and pouches made from back muscle
Too Young to Diet
(Health & Fitness)
Designer Vestments
Hymn Battles
Tuning the Methodist songbook
Bombs Away
Simulating the attack on Libya
The Busy Signal Predicament
Calls for help are clogging the phone lines of software firms
Tom Terrific and the Pheenom
The first-place Red Sox pin their hopes on the old and the new
Business Notes Entrepreneurs
(Economy & Business)
Dirt Can't Hide in Tianjin
Business Notes Moving
(Economy & Business)
New Texas Gold: U-Hauls
Business Notes Products
(Economy & Business)
A Disposable Lifesaver
Business Notes Real Estate
(Economy & Business)
Put Up Half a Million, Pardner
Business Notes Stocks
(Economy & Business)
Rally Round the Ticker
Deal At Dawn
(Economy & Business)
Calling off the Perrier war
Easing into an Era
(Economy & Business)
Barber Conable aims to reshape priorities at the World Bank
Finger Pointing
(Economy & Business)
Wall Street's scandal grows
Florence Nightingale Inc.
(Economy & Business)
Increasingly, nurses set up independent medical practices
No Money Down
(Economy & Business)
Free newspapers pile up profits
Sun, Fun and Sales Meetings
(Economy & Business)
Once for swingers only, Club Med now woos corporate customers
A Dickens Epic Hits the Road
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Royal Shakespeare Company
Celebrating a Comedy Composer
At the Museum of Broadcasting, the madcap world of Ernie Kovacs
Digressions Off for the Sweet Hereafter
by T.R. Pearson Linden; 283 pages; $17.95
Egos, Kitsch and the Real Thing
With work from 41 nations, Venice opens its biggest Biennale
Everything New Is Old Again
Some hip summer movies stir up the same tired blood
From the 18th Century Hit Parade
In California, a celebration of Rameau's subtle delights
Homemade Cecil Beaton
by Hugo Vickers Little Brown; 656 pages; $25
Midway Between God and Man the Oxford Dictionary of Popes by J.N.D. Kelly; Oxford University; 347 pages; $24.95
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)