Monday, Jun. 09, 1986

World Notes Kampuchea

Sad Rod, 30, was sitting on the porch of her thatched hut in a United Nations encampment two miles inside Thailand last week, when the shells began to come in. "I heard a long whistle in the sky--then boom!" she said later. Sad Rod was one of 59 Khmer Rouge refugees wounded, and her four-year-old daughter was among eleven people killed, in an unusually savage attack by Vietnamese forces inside Kampuchea.

To discourage guerrilla raids by Khmer resistance fighters based in Thailand, the Viet Nam-backed Kampuchean government is continuing to work at sealing off the border with Thailand by building walls and ditches reinforced with barbed wire and mines. But even if the huge project is completed, it will be almost impossible for the Kampucheans to close the entire 300-mile frontier.