Monday, Jun. 02, 1986

American Notes Civil Service

U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop recently said he would not be surprised if those who smoke in 1995 are required to light up out of doors. Officials of the General Services Administration, the Federal Government's housekeeping arm, evidently decided to do their part in making that prediction come true about nine years early. Last week they proposed a near total ban on smoking in 6,800 buildings owned or leased by the GSA, beginning in the fall.

If adopted following a period set aside for public comment, the new rules would permit smoking only in designated parts of cafeterias and vending- machine areas, and in private offices. GSA Administrator Terence Golden, a running enthusiast and dedicated nonsmoker, called the proposed ban a step toward "the total wellness of federal employees." Its effects on the dispositions of puffers within the civil service may be less salubrious.