Vol. 127 No. 20
A Case of Spy Vs. Spy
And an object lesson in what friendship should not be
A Summit of Substance
In Tokyo, a united front on terrorism and economics
American Notes Indians
Chants for a New Bishop
American Notes Louisiana
Edwards Wins Big in Court
American Notes Monuments
The Lady Has a Problem
American Notes Primaries
Snubbing Jesse's Club
American Notes the Navy
Battle of the Punch Bowl
Church and State
A judge fines the Catholic bishops
Growing Pains At 40
As they approach mid-life, Baby Boomers struggle to have it all
Keeping a Sense of Commitment
"You Can Change Lives for the Better"
Portrait of a Generation
Strawberry Restatement
Salt Shaker
Reagan might breach a treaty
Stinging Rebuff for the Saudis
Congress scuttles a politically sensitive missile sale
The Road From Damascus
Wow! Real Reform!
In a stunning reversal, a Senate panel okays a tax-simplification bill
Afghanistan an Abrupt Shuffle of Puppets
Najibullah takes charge, but no end to the fighting is in sight
Bolivia Hard Justice, Rising Concern
Trial of a dictator stalls
Lebanon "Grenades Are Bad for Business"
Westerners flee Beirut as a once splendid way of life perishes
Soviet Union More Fallout From Chernobyl
A crippled reactor spreads disquiet and fear
Sri Lanka the Terror Strikes Home
A wave of violent sabotage
World Notes Bangladesh
Scarcely Free Or Peaceful
World Notes Italy
Storm Over a Love Garden
World Notes Refugees
Good News for a Visiting Hero
World Notes Spies
Why Not Sort of Pregnant?
World Notes Sudan
In the Steps of the Mahdi
America's Space Program: Grounded
A mystifying series of failures puts a hold on vital missions
Through a Lens Darkly
Twin images signal the discovery of a mysterious cosmic object
How Do You Say Beef?
Chianina, zebu, beefalo and Brae are new light varieties
In Arizona: Taming a Troublesome Town
(American Scene)
Showroom At the Top
With 33 designer collections, Tokyo bids for fashion stardom
Caught By the Camera
Nbc's Interview with a Terrorist Stirs Up a Controversy
Shifting the Attack on Leaks
The CIA director hints at prosecution of news organizations
An Electronic Assault on Privacy?
Computer blacklists have become a new growth industry
"I Won't Dance. Don't Ask Me"
(Economy & Business)
Sperry resists Burroughs' proposal to join forces against IBM
And Now, a Gag From Our Sponsor
(Economy & Business)
Silly TV commercials are driving viewers into a buying frenzy
Business Notes Acquisitions
(Economy & Business)
Q: What Was Trivial Pursuit?
Business Notes Advertising
(Economy & Business)
Try to Top This One
Business Notes Entrepreneurs
(Economy & Business)
Rocky Raccoon Makes Good
Business Notes Fragrances
(Economy & Business)
Smile When You Say That
Business Notes Rankings
(Economy & Business)
Black Is Bountiful
Hitting the Road, Seeing the Sights
(Economy & Business)
A banner season for the U.S. travel industry
Italy's First Lady of Steel
(Economy & Business)
Cecilia Danieli knows how to strike deals and forge profits
Ambitions Waking the Dead
by Scott Spencer Knopf; 396 pages; $17.95
Hollywood Gothic (1922-1986) a Cast of Killers
by Sidney D. Kirkpatrick; Dutton; 336 pages; $17.95
Making the Strings Sing Again
Six new concertos offer a lively survey of modern styles
The Joan Vs. Johnny Show
Carson gets a new rival, and a "fourth network" is born
The Road of Good Intentions Sweet Liberty
Directed and Written by Alan Alda
On the Record
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)