Vol. 127 No. 11
American Notes Diplomacy
Soviet Spies Get the Gate
American Notes Philadelphia
"Reckless and Ill Conceived"
American Notes Texas
Remembering the Alamo
American Notes the Military
Carrying a Big Stick
American Notes Veterans
More Victims of Viet Nam
Devil's Bargain
Doing business with the Mob
Full-Court Press
The White House wages an impassioned campaign to aid the CONTRAS
In the Defense of Liberty
Buchanan scorns moderation
Minority Power
Jacob K. Javits: 1904-1986
Painless Remedy
Congress considers a tax amnesty
Struggling for Survival
The Astronauts Bail Out
A stern memo depicts NASA's long-standing safety problems
The Presidency
"Son of a . . ."
Barometer of Superpowers
Diplomacy Caught Up in His Past
Kurt Waldheim's World War II record returns to haunt him
France "the Leap in the Dark"
Assembly elections promise more questions than answers
Middle East Grief and Anger in Nablus
A bad time for reason and moderation on the West Bank
South Africa New Twist to an Old Plot
The state of emergency ends, but restrictions endure
Soviet Union Back to Work, Comrades
Shuffling the Kremlin deck
Spain a Crucial Vote on Nato
Membership becomes a test of European ties
Sweden Vanishing Face on a Quiet Street
Baffled police put out a dragnet for Palme's killer
The Frailties of Diplomacy
The Philippines Digging for Treasure
Aquino moves to recover Marcos' loot abroad and mollify critics at home
World Notes China
Quotations of Chairman Chen
World Notes Disasters
Mounties Stalk Sky Bombers
World Notes France
Baby Doc Settles In
World Notes New Zealand
Stewing Over Banned Brains
Zeroing in on Halley's Comet
A Soviet spacecraft meets the most celebrated celestial wanderer
Extra Years for Extra Effort
(Health & Fitness)
A new study shows that exercise can indeed increase longevity
In Las Vegas: Hibbing on a Hot Streak
(American Scene)
The Visuals Did Marcos In
New Signals About Reunification
A top Vatican aide sends a proposal to the Anglicans
Alec Guinness Takes Off His Masks
An elegant memoir from a master of disguises
Business Notes Copyrights
(Economy & Business)
Trouble in the Garbage Pail
Business Notes Energy
(Economy & Business)
Fill 'Er Up for a Song
Business Notes Mortgages
(Economy & Business)
Seduced By Singles
Business Notes The Economy
(Economy & Business)
Easier Money, Scarcer Jobs
Battling the Enemy Within
(Economy & Business)
Companies fight to drive illegal drugs out of the workplace
Buried By a Tropical Snowstorm
(Economy & Business)
U.S. Agents Wage a Fierce But Losing Campaign Against Smugglers
A Man for Parallel Seasons
Director Adrian Hall juggles theaters in Providence and Dallas
A Vision of Steely Finesse
Georgia O'Keeffe: 1887-1986
Commercial Tv, Mon Dieu!
Private channels debut in France, but the reception is mixed
Hazards of the Midas Touch the Great Getty
by Robert Lenzner; Crown; 283 pages; $18.95 THE HOUSE OF GETTY by Russell Miller; Holt; 362 pages; $17.95
Humors | Gentlemen in England
by A.N. Wilson Viking; 311 pages; $17.95
Mysteries the Moral Life of Children
by Robert Coles Atlantic Monthly Press; 302 pages; $19.95 THE POLITICAL LIFE OF CHILDREN by Robert Coles Atlantic Monthly Press; 341 pages; $19.95
Rue Britannia My Beautiful Laundrette
Directed by Stephen Frears Screenplay by Hanif Kureishi
Rule Insanity Bliss
Directed by Ray Lawrence Screenplay by Ray Lawrence and Peter Carey
The Everly Brothers in Arms
Rock's greatest duo, in harmony again, stands and delivers
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)
The Island of the Lost Autocrats