Vol. 127 No. 7
Firms pay top dollar to hear the world according to Kissinger
A Cold Soak, a Plume, a Fireball
The President's panel grills NASA on CHALLENGER'S loss
American Notes Charity
Down and Out in Marin County
American Notes Espionage
The Mole Who Meant Well
American Notes Politics
The White House Candidate
American Notes Teamsters
Cashing in Their Chips
American Notes Utah
A "Salamander" Murder Case
Back to the Future, Again
In his State of the Union speech and budget, Reagan stays firmly on course
Moscow Gets Ready to Trade
A swap for Shcharansky may signal more superpower bargaining
Sac City Fights for Survival
In a failing Iowa farm town, residents chip in for a new plant
Shcharansky: a Latter-Day Job
Agenda for a Reformer
Elusive Dreams in Exile
Haiti End of the Duvalier Era
Baby Doc slips away to France to avoid a bloodbath at home
India a Low-Key Papal Pilgrimage
John Paul stirs crowds in the south, but strikes few sparks
Middle East "It Turned Out to Be a Mistake"
An airborne Israeli interception fails to catch big fish
Nigeria Striking a Delicate Balance
A tough and spirited military leader is off to a promising start
Philippines Standoff in Manila
Both sides claim victory as the election ends amid violence and fraud
World Notes China
If It's Light, It Must Be Urumqi
World Notes Costa Rica
Neutrality Pays Off
World Notes Cuba
Whipping the Troops into Shape
World Notes Espionage
Moscow Plays Tit for Tat
World Notes Terrorism
A Case of the Jitters
A Rosetta Stone of Evolution
Scientists find a fossil trove in a Nova Scotia cliff
Power, Glory --and Politics
Right-wing preachers dominate the dial
Form Follows Fantasy
In Texas and Minnesota, remarkable midwinter follies
Surveying the Data Diddlers
A new study takes the measure of computer crime
"the Price War Is Here"
(Economy & Business)
Saudi Arabia's oil-production binge may cost its competitors dearly
Around the World in 120 Minutes
(Economy & Business)
All aboard the Orient Express, but not until the 21st century
Business Notes Appliances
(Economy & Business)
Bright Ideas for the Laundry
Business Notes Banking
(Economy & Business)
Crocker Boards the Stagecoach
Business Notes Currencies
(Economy & Business)
Canadian Rescue Mission
Business Notes Government
(Economy & Business)
Smoking Out Tax Dodgers
Business Notes Stocks
(Economy & Business)
A Whiz Kid's Windfall
Sunny Days for Flower Sales
(Economy & Business)
Any time seems to be a fine time to buy a fragrant bouquet
Tender Loving Care Inc.
(Economy & Business)
The Right Focus
(Economy & Business)
Competition for a pioneer
A Lecture From the Faculty
Dartmouth professors blast their businessman-president
Seeing Justice Never Done
The case that would not end torments a California town
New Pleasures and Promises
Seven first novels offer tragedy, laughter and hope
Second City, But First Love
Chicago's vital theater scene brings back its proven stars
Throwing Down the Gauntlet
Five new recordings challenge old preconceptions
A Letter From the Publisher
(Publisher's Letter)