Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005
Stunted Oaks
By Richard Schickel
Oh, why not? No matter what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle says, they could just as well have met as schoolboys. And it is more than likely that the twigs that grew into the sturdiest oaks of detective fiction were bent way back when: Sherlock Holmes (Nicholas Rowe) brainy and arrogant, John Watson (Alan Cox) loyal and bumbling.
In other ways, too, the pastiche that Writer Chris Columbus (Gremlins, Goonies) has concocted to show us the Young Sherlock Holmes in adolescence has something of the true canonical spirit. There are casually astounding displays of deductive reasoning, evil plotters recruited from the far corners of empire trying to avenge ancient wrongs. Director Barry Levinson (Diner, The Natural) has a tasteful eye for Victorian atmosphere: fog, hansom cabs, the glow of gaslight. But one does not automatically imagine these characters, this period, having much appeal for today's young audience.
Indeed, at some point this gloomy thought apparently stole over the movie's creators too. The film's miscreants, a heathen religious cult that has an incredibly vast secret underground headquarters in the middle of London, use a drug that so twists the minds of their victims that they self-destruct rather than endure the hallucinations it induces. These in turn become occasions for the special-effects displays that are technically impressive but are also more resonant of other recent movie successes of Young Sherlock Producer Steven Spielberg than they are terrifying or witty or appropriate. The old-fashioned heart of the film rejects these modern transplants. The oxymoronic result is a sort of busy inertness. And a movie that never makes us feel as good as it often looks. --R.S.