Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2005


Royal Couple

To the Editors: As a Briton living in the States, I was impressed by your informative yet lighthearted coverage of the royals' visit [PEOPLE, Nov. 11]. You captured the mood inspired by Charles and Di at home, which is seldom understood outside the British Isles. Ronald and Nancy Reagan give the presidency a similar kind of glamour. Politics exists, whoever is at the top. The glitter makes the politics more bearable, even enjoyable. Susan Elliott-Booth Lacey, Wash.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana are a handsome and delightful young couple who have the good fortune to be living a real-life fairy tale. Their appeal is universal. Even so, the amount of media hype accorded their visit to the U.S. is beyond reason. The majority of Americans, who do not live in either Washington, D.C., or Palm Beach, Fla., realize that the visit is inconsequential, a prime example of a media-created event. Jack W. Gould DeSoto, Texas

The flippant familiarity you use in talking about Their Royal Highnesses is insulting. An added injury is the inclusion of every possible unproven, gossipmongering rumor. Anyone who has had experience in serving the public interest and knows the sacrifice it entails must share my admiration for the royal couple's grace and dedication. They should be allowed to carry out their duties in an atmosphere of serenity and respect. Jacqueline Conte Castellaro, Italy

The Prince and Princess of Wales take their roles of representing their nation seriously without taking themselves too seriously. Would that our politicians could do as much. Kenneth Cuthbertson Coralville, Iowa

I was surprised to find that in referring to Queen Elizabeth's appearance, TIME would use such an outdated description as "dour librarian." The library profession has been combatting this unfortunate stereotypical image for years. There is no time or inclination to be dour in the modern library. Marla Schwartz Bethesda, Md.

A more absurd collection of trivia and maudlin, boring gossip than the Charles and Diana story would be difficult to imagine. Why we Americans should continue to be so obsessed with the comings and goings of an effete and parasitic monarchy, which we shed our blood in 1776 to be rid of, will forever remain a mystery to me. This is not to denigrate the civility or the quality of other British cultural institutions for which we have a deep and abiding respect. But after all is said, God bless the Republic. Jerome L. Starr New York City

Isn't it nice that, in this world of constant change, the British royal silliness remains constant? Mary Hollingsworth Atlanta Spying Walkers

A feeling of disgust came over me as I looked at the smirking face of John Walker Jr. [NATION, Nov. 11]. For his treason he should never be granted pardon or parole. William T. Brockman Atlanta

You say John Walker Jr. will be eligible for parole in ten years. What kind of justice is that for a man who would sell his country to the Soviets? The death penalty would be a more deserved alternative. Richard G. Brody Fort Collins, Colo.

Plea bargaining should not be acceptable in this case. If Walker cannot be "forced to talk against his will," what guarantees do we have that he will reveal all, as promised in his plea bargain? This is no bargain for the American people. Karen Ann Jakuc New York City Viet Nam Relations

In his interview with TIME, Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong [WORLD, Nov. 11] blames the U.S. for all the problems created by the Communists. Ten years after the North conquered South Viet Nam, its economy is bankrupt, and its people are deprived of human rights. South Viet Nam did need the U.S. to help in its fight against the Communists, and Viet Nam still needs the U.S. As a condition for normalizing relations, which Pham Van Dong seeks, the U.S. should insist that the Communists return human rights to the Vietnamese people. Nuong Van Trinh Martinez, Ga. Flag Waving

In A Letter from the Publisher, you state that President Daniel Ortega Saavedra declined to hold the Nicaraguan flag for your story on the U.N.'s "Global Family Album" [NATION, Nov. 4]. He refused, you say, because "his Sandinistas prefer their own red-and-black banner." Nothing could be further from the truth. President Ortega felt awkward holding a small flag in his hands and preferred to have it in his pocket. Visit our embassy and see how the blue-and-white national flag is prominently displayed. Carlos Tunnermann, Ambassador Embassy of Nicaragua Washington Blacks Criticizing Blacks

The relentless criticism of civil rights leaders by neoconservative blacks [NATION, Nov. 11] suggests that the likes of Benjamin Hooks and the Urban League have done nothing for the advancement of black Americans. If this is the case, then we should be able to subtract their contributions from American history without harming the social and economic development of blacks. Hypothetically, we could start by erasing Brown vs. Board of Education. Then we could resegregate higher education, sports and the workplace. We could also reintroduce law officers like Alabama's Bull Connor, who used dogs and fire hoses to break up civil rights demonstrations. David L. Evans Cambridge, Mass.

Harvard Political Economist Glenn Loury should be commended for his attitude that blacks should pick themselves up by their bootstraps. The post-civil rights thinkers ought not to be labeled neoconservatives; they are "neorealists." It is about time we blacks realize that heaven helps those who help themselves. Prosper Emeka New York City

When affirmative action is buried, the eulogy will be performed by a black scholar. And as the mourners depart, a black intellectual will be heard to ask, "What's next?" A chorus of voices will answer, "The Emancipation Proclamation!" (SCPO) Elwyne D. McFalls U.S.N. (ret.) Tulsa

Your article "Redefining the American Dilemma" is on point. Blacks have always been pluralistic, and there has always been debate about how best to solve our problems. In recent years, however, publications like yours have ignored all opinions expressed by blacks except those deemed to be some sort of official "black view." Such individuals as Tom Sowell were forced into confrontational defenses of their well-researched and articulate conclusions, which differed from the media's general notion of the black view. If nothing more, you may be waking up to the reality that thinking by black individuals is no more dominated by pigmentation than is thinking by white individuals. Clarence Thomas, Chairman Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Washington Legal Interception

Your reporting on the Achille Lauro hijacking fallout was excellent [TERRORISM, Oct. 28]. It is astonishing, however, that State Department lawyers have not emphasized that the U.S. had a legal basis for its action under international maritime law: visit and search. Since aircraft cannot be stopped on the high seas for legitimate search for criminals and contraband, by extension they can be brought to land in a neutral port for this purpose. Herbert Maza International Association of University Presidents Aix-en-Provence, France Endangered Plants

I do not wish to belittle the important role that botanic gardens play [ENVIRONMENT, Nov. 4] in the conservation of threatened plants. I do take issue, however, with Frank Thibodeau's comment that the Fort Collins, Colo., seed-storage facility will ensure that "despite power losses, hurricanes, fires or any other natural disaster that could befall a greenhouse or garden, we will always have the seeds available for study and propagation." One of the major issues the World Wildlife Fund and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources stress is that ex-situ seed banks, otherwise described as "in the refrigerator" conservation of plants, are not valid substitutes for in-situ, or "in the forest," conservation. An ex-situ seed bank is susceptible to natural disasters, power failures and political turmoil. Instead of creating new banks, we should pay more attention to looking after the wild areas in which some 10% of the world's 250,000 flowering-plant species are threatened. Paul Wachtel World Conservation Center Gland, Switzerland

I was pleased to learn that serious work is being undertaken in the U.S. to conserve its threatened plants by stockpiling seeds of endangered varieties. The same kind of effort should be mounted in Canada, where some superb wild flowers are on the verge of extinction. Our planet is fragile, and it will never be the same if any of these beautiful species is allowed to disappear. E. Michel Azouz Cote Saint Luc, Canada Battle Won

Your article on the rise of Soprano Kathleen Battle [Music, Nov. 11] was a jewel. The human voice can touch the emotions in a manner transcendent. Hearing Battle in recital, I found her singing to be ethereal. Frank R. Wynne Los Alamitos, Calif.

Your reviewer's attempt to name Kathleen Battle the "best coloratura soprano in the world" does not sit well with true opera lovers. She has yet to learn, much less conquer, such coloratura roles as Lucia and Norma. You have done Battle's promising career a disservice by pitching her against long-established and legendary divas. Edward P. Bordes New York City Contracting AIDS

In your coverage of the AIDS scare [NATION, Sept. 23], you say, "A nurse in Britain who contracted the disease was accidentally pricked with a contaminated needle." She has not developed AIDS. She was injected with the virus and developed antibodies to HTLV-III/LAV. Patricia Solenberger Camillus, N. Y.

TIME regrets the error. Series Finale

In your article on the final game of the World Series [SPORT, Nov. 11], you say the St. Louis Cardinals had feet of porcelain. How unfair to criticize the entire team for the antics of one player, Joaquin Andujar. The Cardinals are a great group of athletes who conducted themselves with class and gave us a full summer of baseball fun. Lu Stephens St. Louis

Granted it takes a whole team to lose to another team by eleven runs. But it takes the theatrics of only a few hotheaded players to make the entire team look like sore losers. The Cardinals have always been and will continue to be a club worthy of respect. Meg C. Schmidt Norman, Okla.