Monday, Sep. 23, 1985


By Jamie Murphy

Half a lifetime ago, he suffered the worst electoral defeat in modern presidential politics when he was swamped by F.D.R. in 1936. But ever since, it seems, Alf Landon has been a winner in people's hearts. Certainly there were many happy returns last week as hundreds turned out in Topeka to help the former Kansas Governor (1932 to 1936) celebrate his 98th birthday. President Reagan phoned to wish him well. Vice President George Bush came to visit. Landon's daughter Republican Senator Nancy Kassebaum of Kansas, 53, was there also. Students from Topeka's Landon Junior High School serenaded him with "Happy Birthday" and presented the grand old party with a book of newspaper clippings dating back to 1935. After riffling through the collection, the still spry Landon exclaimed, "Some I would like to burn up. Some I would like to throw in the air and cheer." A sentiment familiar to the best of politicians.